12 Astonishing Things That Will Amaze New Moms About Newborns


Frequently Asked Questions


What unusual phenomena do newborns experience right after birth?

Newborns often display various unusual phenomena such as cone-shaped heads, startled reflexes, enlarged genitalia, and rapid hunger. These are normal and occur due to their transition from the womb to the outside world.

Why do newborns have colder hands and feet compared to the rest of their body?

Newborns have colder hands and feet because their circulatory systems are still developing. Blood flow is prioritized to vital organs, so extremities often feel cooler, making it important to keep them warm with mittens and socks.

Is it normal for baby girls to have a small amount of blood after birth?

Yes, it is normal for baby girls to experience a small amount of blood during the first few weeks of life. This phenomenon is harmless and results from hormonal changes, not fresh blood.

Why do newborns cry in a similar manner for different needs?

Newborns cry in a similar manner when hungry, tired, or uncomfortable because this is their primary form of communication. Their cries convey discomfort and signal to caregivers for attention and care.

How should parents respond to irregular breathing patterns in newborns?

Parents should not worry if their newborn's breathing appears irregular. This is common and usually resolves itself as the baby's respiratory system matures. However, if breathing pauses for more than 20 seconds, consult a doctor.