2022 Construction Contract Violation Penalties


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the penalties for violating a construction contract?

Penalties for violating a construction contract can vary based on the agreement between the parties involved. Typically, for state-funded contracts, the penalty may not exceed 12% of the violated contract value, while for non-state contracts, it is determined by the parties, but can be up to 8%.

How are penalties for construction contracts determined under state regulations?

Under the 2014 Construction Law, penalties for construction contracts using state funds must be mutually agreed upon and documented in the contract. The maximum penalty allowed is 12% of the value of the portion violated.

What constitutes a breach of a construction contract?

A breach of a construction contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations as specified in the contract. This can include delays, poor quality of work, or failure to provide necessary documentation, which can lead to penalties and compensation claims.

Are there differences in penalties for state and non-state construction contracts?

Yes, there are significant differences. State contracts have a capped penalty of 12%, while non-state contracts do not have a specified maximum, though parties generally agree to penalties, which can be up to 8%.

What compensation is required when breaching a construction contract?

When breaching a construction contract, the violating party must compensate for damages caused to the other party or any third party affected. This includes costs related to delays, poor quality work, and other contract-related failures.