Controlling your TV with your phone is not just simple and quick but also more convenient than using a remote. However, not everyone is aware of these useful tricks. In this Mytour Blog post, we'll guide you on how to effortlessly and in detail control your TV with your phone. Follow along with Mytour!
Controlling your TV with your phone through an app
Controlling your TV through an app on your phone (Source: Internet)Step 1: Download the control software to your phone
First, download the software to your phone. Each TV brand develops different applications to support the control of their respective TVs.
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Smart tivi Samsung | Samsung Smart View
Smart tivi LG | LG TV Plus (sử dụng cho LG hệ điều hành WebOS) và LG TV Remote (sử dụng cho LG hệ điều hành Netcast): Nếu bạn đang sở hữu một chiếc tivi LG thông minh thì ứng dụng LG tivi Remote sẽ giúp bạn điều khiển tivi. Ngoài ra, ứng dụng này còn cho phép bạn khởi động nhanh ứng dụng, chia sẻ hình ảnh, video,… từ điện thoại lên tivi và ngược lại. |
Android Tivi TCL | nScreen: Đây là ứng dụng do TCL phát triển hỗ trợ người dùng dễ dàng sử dụng điện thoại để điều khiển tivi TCL. TCL nScreen giúp người dùng thực hiện các thao tác điều khiển tivi thông qua cảm ứng cũng như phím số. |
Smart TV Panasonic | Panasonic TV Remote 2: Đối với tivi thông minh Panasonic thì Panasonic Remote 2 sẽ là ứng dụng thực sự hữu dụng. Không chỉ có thể sử dụng điện thoại smartphone điều khiển tivi, Panasonic Remote 2 còn hỗ trợ thêm khả năng chia sẻ nội dung từ điện thoại lên tivi, sau đó dùng một điện thoại khác thu được nội dung từ tivi chia sẻ tới. |
Step 2: Turn on Wi-Fi to connect your TV with the phone
The next step after downloading the app to your phone is to connect the two devices by:
- Activate the Wi-Fi on both your TV and phone, ensuring both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
- On your phone, go to Settings => Wireless Connections => Select the TV you want to connect to => Choose the Connect option.
Note that not all phone and TV brands have the same connection steps. However, the above method is generally the most common way to connect.
Step 3: Control your TV with your phone
After successfully connecting, you can freely use the buttons on the app to make choices and perform actions such as searching for information, changing channels, muting, adjusting volume, etc., easily and quickly.
Controlling your TV with your phone via infrared
Controlling your TV with your phone through the infrared port (Source: Internet)With the infrared port, you can easily use your phone to manipulate the TV through a pre-installed app. However, not all phone brands are equipped with this port. You can find the infrared port on some smartphones such as LG, Samsung, HTC, Sky, etc.
Step 1: Launch the Quick Remote program pre-installed on your device.
Step 2: In the device selection section, tap on the TV option.
Step 3: Choose the brand of your TV.
Step 4: After selecting the desired brand, raise your phone and point it towards the TV. Then, test the demo commands. For commands recognized by the TV, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No. Note that you need to complete all 3 selection steps for the Quick Remote setup to be complete.
Step 5: Once successfully set up, you can use it to operate and control your TV from any area in your home. Extremely convenient, isn't it?
Method: Unique Connectivity
Controlling your TV through various specialized connections (Source: Internet)Only a few brands with their proprietary technology can apply this method. Besides the two common methods mentioned above, some brands equip additional features to support users in using smartphones to control the TV, such as Samsung's Quick Connect.
This feature allows Samsung TVs (running the Tizen operating system) to connect with Samsung smartphones (S6, Note 4), enabling users to use it as a remote control. Moreover, Quick Connect also synchronizes notes from the phone to the TV, making it easier for users to manage their lives.
While using remote control through your phone app, you may encounter issues like unsuccessful connections, app download failures, etc. In such cases, the trusty remote control becomes a reliable assistant, allowing you to effortlessly control your TV without the need for any apps. To purchase a remote control, visit Mytour – a reputable online store in Vietnam. With a variety of models and integration of different brands, Mytour offers you multiple high-quality product choices at affordable prices.