If you're looking for Arena of Valor champions to showcase your skills or to create 'top-notch' highlights, then this article is definitely for you.
Currently, Arena of Valor boasts over 100+ different champions, many of which possess incredibly flashy 'dance' skills that require gamers to have strong hands to master. Here are the top 5 Arena of Valor champions that perfectly fit the game's slogan 'victory or defeat lies in skill.'
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When you mention Flo, what's the first thing that comes to mind? A Florentino strolling to pick flowers, maybe even without any flowers to pick, or a tanky Flo playing it safe? Besides many other things, many players will also think of the Flows continuously dancing, balancing three or four scales, both surreal and impressive. In reality, whether this Arena of Valor champion plays well or not depends entirely on the skill of the gamer.
FloOriginally, mastering Florentino's dance of three steps is not difficult. What players need to do is remain calm, not panic when casting skills. If you feel you cannot 'race' along with the idols throwing and catching flowers continuously, just calmly pick up enough flower beats, that's more than fine. Mytour advises that if players want to play it safer, they should consider adding the Frost Cape item, slowing down enemies, making it easier to hit them with flowers. Finally, in some situations, don't be greedy to pick up all three flowers, sometimes just two flowers are enough to stick to the enemy. Currently, Flo has quite a few bugs, but we have to accept living with them and wait for Garena to fix them.
Although Yan is an artist, instead of optimizing strength, we need nimble hands to dance and create many beautiful artistic lines to increase team burden. Yan falls into the hands of those who know how to use it will be extraordinarily strong, having both damage reduction, dodging skills when applying skill 2, and having a fairly deceptive healing ability from internal attacks. Not to mention, this guy also creates a significant amount of damage through the times of attacking and spinning the pen.
YanThe longer Yan survives, the more beats she can dance. However, not everyone can continuously cast skills because simply, if the enemies are too overwhelming, sometimes just as they activate their ultimate, Yan might already be shocked by counter damage. That's why when playing this Arena of Valor champion, we need equipment like the Tooth of Greed, Blade of Eternity to increase the chances of accessing enemies. Besides, players also need at least one armor penetration item or playing full defense is quite solid. Conversely, if you're confident enough, going for 2 or 3 damage items is also comfortable.
If you happen to land in real gold chunks, when Lauriel activates her ultimate and jumps in the Grand Judgment, she truly becomes a nightmare. This card can dodge skills, deal immense damage, the more enemies, the merrier. Unless restrained by Aleister, Arum,... no one can stop this champion from going wild, even Florentino, Wukong, Kaine, Yan,... Lauriel can handle them all, just need to glide elegantly and it's done.
LaurielLauriel's dance prowess, skillful dodges depend on the player's skill. At the moment, many players choose to build Lauriel in a full damage style, not needing to dance much, just 2 to 3 beats is enough to make enemies lie flat. Remember, the more the enemy team gathers in one place, the more her internal damage piles up tremendously. If you're not a dedicated Lauriel player, there will be some less precise beats, so it's advisable to prioritize semi-magic equipment, especially when facing annoying long-range cards like Elsu, Violet, Yue, Liliana,... then going pure tank to limit shock damage is advisable.
Surely, when you climb the ranks and encounter a Nakroth jumping around too frighteningly, many will exclaim, 'Nak dances too well,' even though he doesn't possess any skills requiring agility. However, with gliding maneuvers thanks to the Source of Chaos and Trial of Restraint, the best players make their moves quite eye-catching.
NakrothNakroth is currently the jungle god favored by many professional players in tournaments, in ranked matches, he's also among the top hot picks on all 3 servers. Moreover, this card is also chosen by many TikTok, Facebook, YouTube idols to showcase their skills and seek highlights for themselves. For the best Nakroths, zigzag maneuvers or the 1-2-1 combo within 1 second are just too easy.
Although for many, such gameplay is too flashy, gamers should remember when this card is out of money, with enough green, the more colorful the playstyle, the higher the effectiveness because money crushes skills. And if you don't want to play like those idols, just simplify your playstyle, don't need to glide too much, just farm, gank, and directly defeat the enemy.
At the moment, playing Zill like a madman rushing in to activate his ultimate and it's done is truly wasteful. Gamers should never consider themselves the best Zill if they can't use the skill 2 multiple times in a prolonged confrontation with the opponent because if you combine the 1 + 2 combo well or more precisely, throw the skill 1 beautifully at multiple targets to earn more internal stacks, then Zill's continuous dance is truly exhausting.
ZillIf he can activate his skill 2 multiple times, not only does he inflict damage from his skills but also massive damage from the Loki's Curse, especially with virtual armor. Remember, after casting the skill, we have the enhanced attack of Loki's Curse and it only takes 2 seconds to cooldown the skill. Enemies with many directional skills like Florentino, Ryoma, Raz, Yue,... if they miss their skills, they are definitely lying down with Zill.
However, to dance beautifully in ranked matches, it not only depends on Zill himself but also partly on whether the teammates are reliable or not. As for the issue of when to use the ultimate, players must consider, sometimes need to enter the fray and immediately use the ultimate to lure enemy skills, or bait them first and then start jumping and zigzagging. To play this Arena of Valor champion safely, players should choose suitable artifacts for Zill such as Holy Thunder to avoid shock damage or Genius to save if the skill misses.
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