Adding Websites to Favorites in Firefox


Frequently Asked Questions


What steps do I need to take to add a website to my Firefox favorites?

To add a website to your Firefox favorites, you can either drag the URL from the webpage to your favorites area or click on 'Bookmark this page' from the menu. Press Ctrl + D as a shortcut, then click 'Done' in the Edit This Bookmark window.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to quickly bookmark a page in Firefox?

Yes, the keyboard shortcut to quickly bookmark a page in Firefox is Ctrl + D. This shortcut opens the 'Edit This Bookmark' window, allowing you to easily save the page.

How can I access my saved favorites in Firefox easily?

You can easily access your saved favorites in Firefox by clicking on the bookmarks icon in the toolbar or by selecting 'Bookmarks' from the menu. From there, you can quickly open any saved webpage.

Can I drag and drop websites directly into my favorites in Firefox?

Yes, you can drag and drop websites directly into your favorites in Firefox. Simply click and hold the website's URL, then drag it to the bookmarks area and release it to save.