Alongside the Gregorian calendar, consult the April 2022 lunar calendar to select auspicious dates and favorable hours for travel, grand openings, groundbreaking ceremonies for building houses, etc. Detailed information about the April calendar, the lunar calendar for April 2022, and related details will be shared by Mytour below.
View the April 2022 lunar calendar, auspicious and inauspicious dates, and important events of the month. Check out the favorable and unfavorable days, zodiac hours, and significant happenings to plan your activities effectively.
Unveiling the Lunar Calendar of April 2022
According to research by Mytour, April 2022 spans 29 days, commencing on the 1st of April (equivalent to the 1st of May in the lunar calendar) and concluding on the 29th of April (equivalent to the 29th of May in the lunar calendar). This marks the month of Giap Thin (the Dragon) and includes several significant holidays.
The dates in the lunar calendar for April are distinguished by light pink shades in the table below.
Explore the lunar and perpetual calendars for April 2022
Based on the lunar calendar, April is considered the month of Giap Thin (or the Peach Moon, the last month of spring). In the year 2022 of Nham Dan, April has the celestial stem Giap and the terrestrial branch Thin, with the symbolic animal being the Dragon. The month's energies are divided into phases as follows:
- From March 20 to April 4 (Equivalent to April 20 to May 4 in the lunar calendar): Awakening of Insects
- From April 5 to April 20 (Equivalent to May 5 to May 20 in the lunar calendar): Start of Summer
- From April 21 to May 6 (Equivalent to May 21 to June 4 in the lunar calendar): Grain Rain
- More: Lunar calendar of May 2022
2. Auspicious days in April 2022 according to the lunar calendar
* Auspicious days of the celestial stems in April 2022 according to the lunar calendar
According to the data on the perpetual calendar, the auspicious days in April 2022 of the year Nham Dan are the 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th (corresponding to May 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th in the Gregorian calendar). The remaining days are inauspicious, carrying sluggish energies, not favorable for any activities.
- More: Auspicious days of the celestial stems in April 2022
- More: Auspicious days of the celestial stems in May 2022
- Auspicious days for traveling in April 2022 of the Gregorian calendar (corresponding to March 2022 of the lunar calendar):
April 2022 offers numerous favorable and unfavorable days for traveling long distances. Auspicious days for long journeys in April of the year Nham Dan are the 3rd, 12th, 15th, and 27th.
- Auspicious days for moving into a new house in April 2022 of the lunar calendar: the 5th, 6th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 24th.
- Favorable days for weddings according to the lunar calendar of April 2022 are: 5th, 8th, 17th, 20th.
3. Events in April 2022 of the lunar calendar
- 1st April 2022 (corresponding to May 1st, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar): International Workers' Day
- 7th April 2022 (corresponding to May 7th, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar): Victory Day at Dien Bien Phu
- 13th April 2022 (corresponding to May 13th, 2022): Mother's Day
- 15th April 2022 (corresponding to May 15th, 2022): Full Moon Day of April in the lunar calendar, Buddha's Birthday
- 19th April 2022 (corresponding to May 19th, 2022): Birthday of President Ho Chi Minh
In this article, Mytour shares information about the Lunar Calendar in April 2022, auspicious dates, and zodiac signs to plan important events for the month. Readers can rely on the provided information to consult the lunar and solar calendars for April and choose auspicious days according to their age for smooth progress in their endeavors. Wishing everyone success!