Toning your hair is a transformative process, but overdoing ash toner can leave your locks looking lackluster. Fear not! With household remedies like clarifying shampoo or lemon juice, you can restore balance and bid farewell to unwanted gray hues.
Simple Steps
Clarifying Shampoo Method
Select a clarifying shampoo rich in acetic and citric acid. These potent ingredients effectively lift excess toner, rejuvenating your hair's natural vibrancy. Shop for clarifying shampoos at your local grocery, drugstore, or beauty retailer.
Gently Massage Clarifying Shampoo into Damp Hair
Thoroughly Rinse Out Clarifying Shampoo with Warm Water
Repeat Shampooing for Stubborn Ashy Tones
Pro Tip: Persistent Ashy Tones
Revitalize with Deep Conditioning Treatment
Lemon Juice and Conditioner Mix
Blend 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with your conditioner
Evenly Apply the Mixture from Roots to Ends
Allow the Mixture to Set for 10 Minutes
Rinse Out the Mixture with Cool Water
Moisturize with Deep Conditioner if Hair Feels Dry
Using a Color Remover
Select a Color Remover with Bleach
Apply Remover with Precision
Allow Remover to Work for 30 Minutes
Use Cold Water to Rinse Out Color Remover
Apply Deep Conditioner if Hair Feels Dry
Weekly Deep Conditioning Tip
Bleach Wash Procedure
Prepare Bleach Wash Solution
Apply Bleach Wash with Hair Dye Brush
Allow Mixture to Sit for 5-10 Minutes
Important: Avoid Covering Hair During Treatment
Thoroughly Rinse Hair with Cold Water
Shampoo Hair to Remove Bleach Residue
Useful Tips
Toner naturally fades over time.
Essential Supplies
Clarifying Shampoo Method
- Required Items:
Lemon Juice and Conditioner Mix
- Required Ingredients: Lemon juice, Conditioner
Using a Color Remover
- Necessary Items: Color remover, Hair dye brush, Deep conditioner (optional)
Performing a Bleach Wash
- Essential Supplies: Bleach powder, 10 volume developer, Clarifying shampoo, Plastic bowl, Hair dye brush