Automate renaming files based on predefined rules [MacOS]
If you're struggling with inconsistent file naming every time you save, today's tip will help. I'll share a neat trick to automatically rename files according to specific rules. We'll continue leveraging Automator on Mac for this. Also, I'll briefly discuss my file storage workflow. Feel free to check out my previous Automator guides here:
With this Quick Action, I'll be able to quickly perform the following tasks:File Name: → 20200815_file_name.xxxfile → 20200815_file name.xxxFile → file name.xxxfile →
Navigate to Automator on Mac -> Select new Document -> Quick ActionIn the Actions section, navigate to Files & FoldersDrag the Rename Finder Items Action into the Workflow area and configure some parameters to align with the desired naming convention.Below are some of my customizations you can refer to:Modify Finder Item Names: Incorporate Date or TimeI use this to prepend the creation date to file names. Year/month/day - linked with file name by space and written continuously.
Navigate to Automator on Mac -> Select new Document -> Quick ActionIn the Actions section, navigate to Files & FoldersDrag the Rename Finder Items Action into the Workflow area and configure some parameters to align with the desired naming convention.Below are some of my customizations you can refer to:Modify Finder Item Names: Incorporate Date or TimeI use this to prepend the creation date to file names. Year/month/day - linked with file name by space and written continuously.The content is developed by the Mytour team with the aim of customer care and solely to inspire travel experiences. We do not take responsibility for or provide advice for other purposes.
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