Best time to transform gold on what day and hour during the Tet of the Year of the Quý Mão 2023?


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the most auspicious days for gold transformation during Tet Quý Mão 2023?

The best days for gold transformation during Tet Quý Mão 2023 are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 8th days of the first lunar month. Families can choose to perform the ceremony from the 3rd day onwards, depending on their personal schedules and auspicious days aligned with their destiny.

What items should be included in the gold transformation ritual during Tet?

The gold transformation ritual typically includes a tray of five fruits, incense, betel leaves and areca nuts, money or gold coins, candles, cakes, sweets, wine, water, sugar canes, and an offering table that can be vegetarian or non-vegetarian, depending on family preferences.

Which hours are considered auspicious for gold transformation during Tet Quý Mão 2023?

Auspicious hours for gold transformation on specific days include the Quý Mão hour (5am-7am) and Bính Ngọ hour (11am-1pm) on the 3rd day. Other hours include Mão and Ngọ hours on the 4th day and various hours on the 5th and 8th days, ensuring prosperity for homeowners.