Preventing contact with certain accounts in your Skype list is the best way to avoid nuisances from unwanted individuals, such as blocking messages or Skype calls. This method saves you from wasting time on irrelevant stories from these people.
Guide on blocking contact with certain accounts.
Step 1: Download: Skype. After installing Skype, open the utility by clicking on the software icon on the Desktop (if you agreed to place the icon outside the Desktop during installation).
Alternatively, from the Menu Start bar in the Search Programs and files section, enter the keyword Skype, and the search results will be displayed on your screen.
Step 2: Log in to your Skype account
Step 3: Choose an account of the person you don't want to communicate with, right-click, and select Block This Person
Step 4: A window will appear, select Remove from your Contact list to decline.
Click Block
After clicking Block to close the window, you simultaneously refuse contact with the person you just rejected. Perform the same action with other undesired contacts. Blocking messages and calls on Skype helps you avoid nuisances from Skype accounts you prefer not to communicate with.
Blocking Skype messages sometimes allows others to still see your Skype account. For a more decisive approach, consider disabling that Skype account. Refer to how to disable a Skype account for the most accurate steps.