Many Windows 10 users, after installing Skype and using this tool to chat, message, and converse, often feel very frustrated when intrusive ads disrupt their focus and enjoyment. Therefore, blocking Skype ads on Windows 10 is a necessary task to achieve the best Skype experience after installing Skype on Windows 10.
Similar to Skype, Viber, Zalo all have intrusive ads during the user experience, and when using apps like Viber or Zalo, it can be really frustrating, as well as needing a solution to address the ad issue.
Blocking Skype ads on Win 10, disabling annoying Skype ads on Windows 10
This method of blocking Skype ads on Windows 10 does not use the host file like the guide to blocking Skype ads with the host file that Mytour shared earlier.
Step 1: Right-click on the network icon and select Open Network and Sharing Center. Alternatively, you can also press Start Menu > type Internet Options to open the Internet connection control options dialog for Skype on Window 10.
Use Start Menu > type Internet Options to access the Windows 10 Internet customization page.
Or right-click on the network icon and select Open Network and Sharing Center.
Step 2: With the first step, you continue to click on the Internet Options link in the Network and Sharing Center .
Step 3: In Internet Options, click on the Security > Restricted sites > Sites.
Step 4: Enter the following address into the Add this website to the zone:
This is the address of the Skype app that will be selected by the system to block ads on Skype. Click Add to add Skype to the list of restricted pages and apps below. Click Close to close the dialog box.
Step 5: Click OK to save the settings. Restart Skype to see the changes.
Before blocking Skype ads on Windows 10
Skype ads were rampant before blocking Skype ads on Windows 10.
The advertising banners take up quite a large space in the conversation.
After blocking Skype ads on Windows 10.
If blocking Skype ads using the host file uses a special file format that allows the system to block ads that may appear in Skype, then with this method of blocking ads in Skype on Windows 10, you will only need to activate the blocking and limiting feature in the Internet management tool.
Indeed, with the method of blocking ads in Skype for older versions of Skype or lower operating systems, there are also similar solutions to turn off Skype ads. However, as Mytour has shared, Windows 10 has more changes in implementation and opening Internet Options to serve blocking Skype ads on Windows 10.
On Skype, users can not only easily add new friends but also chat with multiple Skype accounts with friends simultaneously, the feature of chatting with multiple Skype accounts simultaneously is essentially chatting with multiple people in the same unified interface.
If you are using Windows 7, Windows 8, then the trick above can be completely applied, especially Windows 7 with the ability to block completely.
Wish you all success!