Caring Tips for Pet Lemmings


Frequently Asked Questions


What specific foods should I include in my lemmings' diet?

Lemmings thrive on a diet rich in leafy greens and grasses, such as finely chopped alfalfa, cabbage, kale, broccoli, and spinach. Additionally, include a mix of seeds or specialized foods to provide nutritional diversity.

How can I create a suitable habitat for my lemmings?

To create an ideal habitat, choose a spacious terrarium of at least 15 gallons, provide 8 inches of bedding for burrowing, and avoid direct sunlight exposure to maintain a cooler temperature.

What activities can I provide for my lemmings' enrichment?

Enhance your lemmings' environment by installing a network of hamster tubes and adding a mouse-sized running wheel. These features promote physical activity and mental stimulation, contributing to their overall well-being.

How often should I clean my lemmings' habitat?

You should clean your lemmings' habitat weekly. Use antibacterial soap to wash the terrarium and ensure it is thoroughly dried before returning the lemmings, which helps maintain hygiene and prevent bacterial spread.