Itchy red marks not only annoy you but can also carry dangerous diseases like dengue fever, malaria, Zika... Here's the guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on mosquito prevention:
1. Chase Mosquitoes Away with 5 Simple Tips
Itchy red marks not only annoy you but can also carry dangerous diseases like dengue fever, malaria, Zika... Here's the guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on mosquito prevention:
1. Up High
When traveling, opt for the highest floor of the hotel. Mosquitoes aren't strong flyers and prefer places with plenty of vegetation, which are usually closer to the ground.
2. Drink Responsibly
Remember, restaurant bathrooms are often infested with mosquitoes.
If you enjoy outdoor cocktail parties, remember to clean up all bottles immediately afterward. Alcohol scents always attract mosquitoes.
3. Use a fan
If there are bushes near the windows of your home or workplace, regularly close them, especially at dusk—the time when mosquitoes search for a tasty meal.
Disease-carrying mosquitoes, like those spreading dengue fever and Zika, can be voracious all day long. Therefore, it's best to use a fan or air conditioning to drive mosquitoes out of the room.
4. Wear Light-colored Clothing
Keep black and brown clothes in the closet. 'Darkness always attracts mosquitoes.
Instead, wear light-colored clothing, especially when you have to be outdoors all day long.
5. Find Suitable Mosquito Prevention Methods
You can use citronella oil to spray on your body or clothes.
Wrist and ankle bands can also provide you with additional protection.