Credit cards are among the top payment methods today, leading to a growing demand for credit card applications. Banks are actively participating in this trend, continuously introducing offers and the best credit card conditions, leaving users undecided about which bank to choose.
Among the banks, VIB Mastercard and Vietcombank are two names causing a dilemma for many, making it challenging to decide between VIB Mastercard and Vietcombank credit cards.
Explore the credit cards of these two banks with Mytour, comparing Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard credit cards to help you choose the best bank for your credit card.
Choosing between Vietcombank and VIB credit cards
Comparing Conditions for Obtaining Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard Credit Cards
To acquire a credit card from both Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard, the cardholder must meet the requirement of being a Vietnamese citizen or a foreigner living and working in Vietnam, and be 18 years or older.
However, in terms of financial criteria, VIB Mastercard poses a bit more challenge with a minimum income requirement of only 6 million VND, while to apply for a regular credit card at Vietcombank, you need a minimum income of 5 million VND or more.
Clearly, obtaining a VIB Mastercard is easier than applying for a Vietcombank credit card.
Details about Vietcombank Credit Card
Comparing Credit Limits of Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard
Credit limit is the total amount a credit card user can spend in a given month, determining the monthly spending capacity of the cardholder.
Both banks offer attractive credit limits for cardholders; however, Vietcombank is more 'generous' with a minimum credit limit of 50 million VND (for Vietcombank Standard Visa credit card), while VIB Mastercard has a minimum credit limit of only 30 million VND.
Moreover, at higher credit card tiers, the credit limits for Vietcombank cardholders are higher compared to VIB Mastercard.
For instance, with the Vietcombank Platinum Visa credit card, Vietcombank has a credit limit starting from 150 million VND, while VIB Mastercard offers a limit of 80 million VND.
Therefore, for more comfortable spending, it's evident that Vietcombank credit cards are the optimal choice.
See more Details about VIB Mastercard Credit Card
Comparing Usage Fees of Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard Credit Cards
The annual fee for Vietcombank credit cards is relatively lower than the annual fee for VIB Mastercard credit cards.
Meanwhile, the cash withdrawal fee at ATMs for both Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard credit cards is equal to 4% of the withdrawal amount.
Other fees such as card replacement fees for both Vietcombank and VIB Mastercard credit cards are equivalent.
In addition, Vietcombank credit cards are renowned for offering more benefits to cardholders compared to VIB Mastercard, including various services related to shopping, golf, air travel, and more.
Conclusion: To choose a bank for easier credit card issuance, opt for VIB Mastercard. For a bank with more benefits and a better credit limit, Vietcombank is the optimal choice. – The Pioneer Price Comparison Website in Vietnam
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