How to Get Free PokeCoins Daily in Pokemon Go


Frequently Asked Questions


How can players earn free PokeCoins daily in Pokemon Go?

Players can earn free PokeCoins daily by defending Gyms designated for trainers level 5 and above. Each Gym defended earns up to 6 PokeCoins per hour, with a daily limit of 50 coins.

What items can be purchased with PokeCoins in Pokemon Go?

PokeCoins can be used to purchase various items, including Premium Raid Passes, Max Revives, Lure Modules, and Egg Incubators. Certain items like Poké Balls can also be obtained for free from PokeStops.

Is it possible to earn more than 50 PokeCoins in a single day?

No, players are limited to earning a maximum of 50 PokeCoins per day, regardless of how many Gyms they defend or how long their Pokémon stay in those Gyms.

What changes occurred to the earning system for PokeCoins in May 2020?

In May 2020, Niantic adjusted the PokeCoin earning system, allowing players to earn coins not only by defending Gyms but also through other activities. However, these changes were reversed in October 2020.

Can you explain the importance of PokeCoins in Pokemon Go?

PokeCoins are crucial in Pokemon Go as they serve as premium currency to purchase exclusive items, upgrades, and cosmetics that enhance gameplay. Players need to manage them wisely for optimal benefits.

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