Be cautious with your money and personal documents when traveling. It's difficult to ensure that everyone you meet in a foreign place is trustworthy. Stay alert so your trip isn't ruined by scams and tricks targeting unsuspecting individuals.
1. Asking Someone to Carry Hidden Contraband through Airport Customs
Recently, a video warning travelers about the scam of transporting drugs through airport security checks was circulated online. The targets are usually gullible and kind-hearted travelers, exploited to bypass security staff.
Drugs are professionally concealed within specially manufactured water bottles, disguised to look like regular ones. Subsequently, scammers ask a random traveler to carry them through security checkpoints, or pretend to do so when they sense danger to escape. If too trusting, passengers may unwittingly aid criminals without realizing.
In many countries, possessing illegal drugs or narcotics could lead to the death penalty. Therefore, it's best not to carry luggage for others under any circumstances. If hesitant, suggest they seek assistance from airport staff.
2. The Pickpocketing Phenomenon
Pickpocketing is a classic and famously known theft technique with an adorable English name: pickpocket. Presently, one of the most renowned cities for pickpocketing is Barcelona, Spain.
Pickpocket gangs typically consist of around 3 or more individuals, operating in crowded tourist areas. They often pose as tourists, with 1-2 individuals approaching the victim, pretending to ask for directions, while another takes advantage of the victim's distraction to pickpocket items such as wallets, phones, in the blink of an eye.
Therefore, the advice for you is to keep valuable items in front of you or securely stored in your backpack while traveling.
3. Faux Friendship for Pilfering
While traveling far and wide, it's exciting to make new friends from distant lands. But beware, a fleeting friendship can also swiftly relieve you of your valuable possessions.
Playing the Charmer: Beware of Friendly Scammers
In the guise of a charming, affable individual, your newfound 'good friend' makes you laugh and feel at ease. They might even give you a cute gift to win you over, like a jacket, for instance.
4. High-Tech Deception
It's not just shady characters you need to watch out for; even some tech-savvy store employees can be skilled con artists.
If you encounter a souvenir shop employee who habitually talks on the phone even while processing your payment, be cautious with your personal credit card. There's a high likelihood that the dishonest seller is using their phone to record your credit card number.
At that point, with the aid of professional criminals or simple homemade technology, your card could be cloned in an instant. Subsequently, the employee could spend recklessly, leaving you to foot the bill.
Advice for you is to withdraw money from ATMs near where you shop (be sure to check for hidden cameras or unsafe electronic devices attached to the ATM) or pay directly with cash.
Source: Mytour Travel Guide – Zing
MytourJanuary 2, 2014