Diablo 2 cheat codes provide players with various resources, items... to support them in defeating bosses or monsters more quickly. Below are some Diablo 2 cheat codes that you can use in the game.
Diablo II - A classic ARPG game on PC
List of the most comprehensive Diablo 2 cheat codes
How to input Diablo 2 commands
- To use Diablo 2 cheat codes, simply press Enter on the keyboard at the main gameplay screen interface, then input Diablo 2 command => Press Enter again to finalize the command
Diablo 2 cheats, Diablo II encoding
Note: All (*) symbols in the article represent the quantity of gold/ Str/ Agi/ Int/ Level that players want to receive or perform.
- gold *: Code for requesting gold, converting gold
- str *: Code for quickly increasing Str
- agi *: Code for quickly increasing Agi
- int *: Code for quickly increasing Int
- lvl *: Code for fast level-up.
- Keysoze *: Use this cheat code to increase the amount of gold.
- Gdisgood *: Use this Diablo 2 cheat code to increase resources.
- WhDaddy: Cheat code for immortality.
- PointBreak: Cheat code for invincibility of health.
- TherNoSpoon: Cheat code for invincibility of mana.
- 'players 1-8': When you enter this Diablo 2 cheat code, monsters will scale to the number of virtual players (1-8) you create, simulating multiplayer mode.
- Omesetusupthebomb: Cheat code for instant defeat in a match.
- Iedeadpeople: Cheat code for quickly revealing the map.
- Strengthahonor: Command to continue playing after the character dies.
- Poitbreak: Cheat code to turn off all in-game music.
- Theabid: Cheat code to rapidly increase the number of monsters at the current time.
- Itveme: Cheat code to cancel combat conditions.
- Iocowder: Cheat code for quicker death (increases difficulty, hardcore game).
- Isyourdaddy : This cheat code helps you enter Diablo faster by bypassing Battlenet.
- Sharpahiny: Code for upgrading equipment (to rare).
- Synergy: Code to disable Tech Tree controls support.
- Ridshine: Code to view morning time.
- Ligut: Code to view nighttime.
- Therepoon: Code to not save the game.
- Ara: One of the commands in Diablo 2 used for most effective monster hunting.
- Ihpower: This quickly levels up to level 10.
- TenthLtain: Cheat code allowing players to listen to the credits music in single mode.
- Whomb: Code to change the Death color on the gameplay screen.
So Mytour has just provided players with some popular Diablo 2 cheat codes commonly used by gamers nowadays. Hopefully, they will help players quickly overcome challenges or dangers to win without spending too much time grinding.
- Reference: How to play Diablo 2 on GameTV Plus