Honoring Prosperity God and Earth Deity has long been a cherished cultural practice in Vietnamese society. This act expresses gratitude to higher powers and a wish for the family to encounter goodness and luck in the new year. The following article provides you with comprehensive information on invoking Prosperity God and Earth Deity in full detail.
1. Who is Ong Dia, the Prosperity God?
Ong Dia, also known as Tho Cong, is one of the two Deities (alongside Prosperity God) commonly worshipped in many Vietnamese families. Ong Dia oversees the land where households are active. Often depicted as an old man with a large belly, holding a fan, Ong Dia appears frequently in folk beliefs with a kind and gentle demeanor.
Prosperity God is tasked with ensuring financial prosperity for families. Depicted as an old man with silver hair, a benevolent face, and holding a golden ingot, Prosperity God is a symbol of financial abundance.
2. What is the significance of worshiping Prosperity God and Earth Deity?
Vietnamese people believe that every month, on the 1st and full moon day, families have the custom of conducting a ritual to honor Prosperity God and Earth Deity, seeking health, peace, luck, and a smooth journey in financial matters.
For business families and those involved in trading or commerce, the worship of Prosperity God and Earth Deity is usually organized monthly or annually, depending on their beliefs.
3. What to prepare for worshiping Ong Dia and Prosperity God?
Typically, the ceremony involves a vegetarian offering that includes items such as:
- Fresh flower vase
- Betel leaves and areca nuts
- Incense
- Gold ingots
- Fruits
However, families can also prepare an additional savory feast if desired. A savory feast for worshiping Prosperity God and Earth Deity typically includes dishes such as:
- Boiled chicken
- Plate of sticky rice
- Wine
- Pork belly slices
4. The Most Complete and Accurate Invocations to Prosperity God and Earth Deity
“Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!”
I humbly bow to the nine heavens, ten directions of Buddhas, and Buddhas in all directions.
I pay respects to the esteemed Hoang Thien Hao Earth Deity and the Honorable Deities.
I respectfully bow to Dong Tru Tu Menh Tao Phu Thanh Quan.
I pay respects to Prosperity God, the venerable precursor.
I bow to the Divine Spirits and Earth Deities governing this land.
As a faithful devotee, I am...
Residing at...
Today is the... day of... month, year...
The devoted believer wholeheartedly arranges floral offerings, ceremonial items, gold needles, tea fruits, and various offerings, presenting them respectfully before inviting Prosperity God.
We beseech the mercy of Prosperity God upon the faithful believer, allowing entry to the altar, witnessing sincere dedication, enjoying the offerings to secure our safety, myriad blessings, familial prosperity, increasing wealth, expanding spiritual horizons, fulfilling aspirations, and aligning with heartfelt wishes.
With sincere reverence, we bow before the altar, entreating divine protection and support.
Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
Homage to A Di Da Buddha!
Homage to A Di Da Buddha!”
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