POPULAR Comprehensive Grade 9 Vietnamese Literature Study Guide
2. Composing the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry, Sample 1
2. Composing the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry, Sample 2
3. Summary of the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry
4. Mind Map for the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry
5. Analysis of the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry
6. Reflections on the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry
Fables are a genre of folklore that students have been learning since earlier grades, often using animal stories or even human tales to convey a meaningful lesson about life. In this section on composing the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry for grade 9 literature, students will gain a deeper understanding of the hidden educational meaning behind each word penned by La-Phong-Ten.
1. Composing the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry, concise version 1
2. Composing the Tale of the Wolf and the Lamb in La-Phong-Ten's allegorical poetry, concise version 2
Question 1
- Structure of the persuasive essay: consists of 2 main parts
+ Opening with 'the sheep's voice... as kind as that' imagery of the Lamb in the fable
+ The rest is imagery of the Wolf in the fable
- Similar reasoning in both parts: by citing writings about the two animals, the sheep and the wolf, by Buy-phon, the author highlighted their imagery
- Different approach in argumentation: The essay successfully employs the literary device of comparison when presenting two strikingly contrasting images of the sheep and the wolf characters
Question 2
- Observations by scientist Buy-Phong on sheep and wolf species are based on the keen observations of the animal research master, hence objective and unbiased towards the characteristics of the subjects
- The author did not mention the 'tenderness' of the sheep and the 'unhappiness' of the wolf because:
+ Affection is a common characteristic of animals; the sorrowful loss of the wolf is an exception. Therefore, there is a general perspective, not a stereotype.
+ Moreover, as the author is a scientist, they view everything from an objective standpoint and make observations through the lens of natural world observation.
Question 3
- Poet La Phong-ten relied on the genuine aspects of animals such as their inherent biological traits, living habits, etc.
In the upcoming lesson, we will explore the material on constructing sentences and paragraphs' cohesion. Additionally, students can delve into the analysis of 'Comrade' poem by Chinh Huu to enhance their understanding of Grade 9 Literature.