The game Tell Me Why revolves around the story of Alyson and Tyler Ronan, twin siblings who reunite in their Alaskan hometown after 10 years apart. They must utilize their supernatural connection to uncover the truth about their mother's death on a fateful night years ago.
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Tell Me Why offers multiple endings and choices made throughout the 3 chapters will impact the twins' homecoming. Which ending will you lead the twins to?
While Chapter 3 may mark the end of the Ronan twins' story, there are always more mysteries to unravel in Delos Crossing. If you wish to discuss the choices you've made throughout the game or compare your discoveries with other players, you can join the official Tell Me Why Discord channel to share your thoughts.
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Tell Me Why has also been recognized as the Best Xbox Game of 2020 by gamescom. The award-winning story is now available with Xbox Game Pass and on Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, and Steam. Quickly download Tell Me Why game through the link below.