Contact Information for Dung Nghia Bus: Fares, Phone Number, and Address


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best way to contact Dung Nghia for booking tickets?

To book tickets with Dung Nghia, you can call their dedicated phone numbers for ticket reservations. For Buon Ma Thuot, you can reach them at 02623890890 or 02623811888. For Ho Chi Minh City, the number is 0914002929. They provide swift booking assistance and can answer any inquiries you may have.

What are the ticket prices for Dung Nghia's transport services?

Dung Nghia offers ticket prices ranging from 220,000 VND to 250,000 VND per person. These prices ensure that you receive high-quality service and comfortable facilities for your journey between Buon Ma Thuot and Ho Chi Minh City.

How can I find the phone numbers for Dung Nghia's different branches?

Each branch of Dung Nghia has specific phone numbers for customer inquiries. You can find the contact information on their official website or request a business card for convenient future contact. For example, the headquarters in Buon Ma Thuot can be reached at 025003811888 for cargo inquiries.

Is it easy to book Dung Nghia tickets over the phone?

Yes, booking Dung Nghia tickets over the phone is straightforward. Customers can quickly reach out to the appropriate branch's ticket reservation number to secure their seats and receive all necessary travel information.