Knowing the contact numbers for buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh to make reservations and understand ticket prices is essential for students, workers traveling to Ha Tinh. Here is the information and phone numbers of some bus services to Ha Tinh compiled by Mytour.
Contact numbers for buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh, hotline for Hanoi to Ha Tinh buses at My Dinh bus station, Nuoc Ngam water bus station today.
1. Contact numbers for buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh.
2. How to book a bus from Hanoi to Ha Tinh.
1. Contact numbers for buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh
1.1. Limousine buses from Ha Tinh to Hanoi
With a considerable distance of 300km - 400km depending on the area, traveling from Hanoi to Ha Tinh and vice versa can be done by choosing limousine buses. Although the fare for limousine buses is slightly higher compared to sleeper buses, it helps minimize fatigue during long journeys.
Details of Hanoi to Ha Tinh bus phone numbers, including limousine buses, are as follows:
* Thien Ha Bus Company
- Thien Ha Limousine Bus is one of the high-quality bus companies, providing dedicated and professional services to customers. The bus has 20 sleeper beds, including 18 single beds and 02 double beds.
- Ticket price: 250,000 VND per trip.
- Contact phone number: 19009067
* Phu Quy Bus Company
- The buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh operated by this company are Mobihome buses with 42 - 44 seats, modern, clean, and comfortable.
- Ticket prices range from 200,000 VND to 250,000 VND.
- Contact phone number: 0945.595.999
* Quyet Thang Bus Company
- The bus company offers 02 types of buses: sleeper buses and limousines. There are 02 trips per day from Hanoi to Ha Tinh and vice versa. The buses depart from Nuoc Ngam bus station, so passengers need to travel to the station to go to Ha Tinh. The company provides transfer services to near Quang Binh.
- Ticket price: 250,000 VND per ticket.
- Contact phone number: 0912.463.320
Latest phone numbers and hotline for Hanoi - Ha Tinh buses
1.2. Buses from Hanoi to Ha Tinh, sleeper buses
Double-decker sleeper buses are a popular choice for one-way or round-trip travel between Hanoi and Ha Tinh. Some bus companies operating on the Hanoi to Ha Tinh route from Nuoc Ngam bus station and My Dinh bus station include:
* Van Minh Bus Company
- This is a highly renowned bus company known for its quality of service, not only on the Hanoi - Ha Tinh route but also to other central provinces such as Nghe An,... There are daily departures from Nuoc Ngam bus station at: 09:30 AM, 11:00 AM (28 beds), 12:00 PM, 01:00 PM (VIP), 06:00 PM, 09:00 PM, 10:15 PM, 10:25 PM (VIP), 10:55 PM, 11:15 PM (28 beds)
- Ticket price: usually 250,000 VND per ticket. Different destinations within Ha Tinh may have different ticket prices, so please contact the booking phone number to get the schedule.
- Contact phone number: 097576767
* Hoang Long Bus Company
- The bus company operates sleeper buses with 38 comfortable seats, providing high-quality service similar to limousines. There are 5 daily departures at the main time slots: 1:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 9:00 PM.
- Ticket price: 240,000 VND per ticket per way
- Contact phone numbers: 0225 3920920 - 0225 3757125
* Giang Anh Bus Company
- Most buses depart from My Dinh Bus Station to the company's office in Ha Tinh. The buses have 44 sleeping seats. There is one daily trip at 12 p.m. from Hanoi to Ha Tinh.
- Basic ticket price: 220,000 VND per ticket.
- Contact phone number: 0963245859
* Dòng Hiến Bus Company
- High-quality sleeper buses with 40 seats have only one trip at 7:15 p.m. from Hanoi to Ha Tinh. During holidays, there will be additional buses to meet everyone's needs.
- Basic ticket price: 210,000 VND per ticket per way.
* Sơn Hà Bus Company
Sơn Hà Sleeper Bus operates 2 trips daily to serve customers. The bus has 40 high-quality seats with full amenities.
- Basic ticket price: 200,000 VND per ticket.
- Contact phone number: 0973725799
* Mận Vũ Bus Company
- Mận Vũ Bus offers high-quality sleeper buses with 46 seats departing from Nuoc Ngam Bus Station to Ha Tinh at various times: 5:40 AM, 8 AM, 11 AM, 12:30 PM, 2 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM, 9:30 PM.
- Ticket price: 200,000 VND per ticket.
- Contact phone numbers: 0989878122 or 0912037003
Typically, the route from Hanoi to Ha Tinh is designed by bus companies along major highways. Therefore, after getting off at the nearest stop, if you don't have anyone to pick you up, you need to have the contact number of Ha Tinh taxi to book a taxi and get home. Some taxi companies you can choose from include Mai Linh taxi, Dragon Viet taxi, Lam Hong taxi, and more.
2. How to Book a Bus from Hanoi to Ha Tinh
For those who want to travel from Hanoi to Ha Tinh but are unsure which bus to choose or how to book, you can follow these methods:
- Method 1: Contact the bus company using the provided phone number, inquire about the schedule, ticket prices, and departure times. If you agree with the given price, you can make a reservation in advance.
- Method 2: Go directly to Nuoc Ngam Bus Station and head to the ticket counter. Here, you will find information about bus companies, routes, and ticket prices. Simply purchase your ticket here and move to the parking area of the station.
Here are some contact numbers of bus companies from Hanoi to Ha Tinh that people can refer to and book when needed. It's essential for everyone to have information about the bus companies and departure times for more proactive, flexible, and convenient travel arrangements.