This method helps you: Easily convert Riels to Vietnamese currency
Converting Cambodian Riels to Vietnamese currency, the exchange rate of Cambodian money with VNĐ is currently a topic of interest. Riel is the official currency of Cambodia, along with the US dollar, and these are the two main currencies used in the country.
Where to exchange Cambodian currency? Exchange Cambodian currency to Vietnam
How much is 1 riel in Vietnamese currency?
The method to convert Cambodian Riels to Vietnamese currency, the exchange rate of Cambodian money with VNĐ updated on 19/10 as follows:
100 Cambodian Riel (KHR) = 567 VNĐ (One hundred Riel equals five hundred sixty-seven Vietnamese Dong)
500 Cambodian Riel (KHR) = 2,835 VNĐ (Five hundred Riel equals two thousand eight hundred thirty-five Vietnamese Dong)
1000 Cambodian Riel (KHR) = 5,670 VNĐ (One thousand Riel equals five thousand six hundred seventy Vietnamese Dong)
5000 Cambodian Riel (KHR) = 28,350 VNĐ (Five thousand Riel equals twenty-eight thousand three hundred fifty Vietnamese Dong)
10,000 Cambodian Riel (KHR) = 56,700 VNĐ (Ten thousand Riel equals fifty-six thousand seven hundred Vietnamese Dong)
Riel is the official currency of Cambodia, pronounced as Riên in Vietnamese, read as Ria. Similar to Thailand, Japan, Cambodia still uses two types of currency: paper money and coins.
Which currency is larger, Vietnamese or Cambodian currency? If comparing in terms of denomination, Cambodian Riel is larger than Vietnamese currency, being approximately 5.6 times larger. The currency of Cambodia, Riel, is only used for small-value transactions such as snacks, motorbike taxis, with a value of approximately less than 5 dollars. The US dollar is more commonly used.
Where to exchange Cambodian currency for Vietnamese currency?
Apart from understanding the exchange rate and knowing how to convert Cambodian Riels to Vietnamese currency, knowing where to exchange Cambodian currency to Vietnamese currency is crucial. You can exchange currency at border checkpoints, banks, airports, or licensed currency exchange addresses. The exchange rate of Cambodian currency to Vietnamese currency varies at each location, such as the Vietcombank exchange rate differing from other exchange points. Therefore, you can contact the hotline directly to inquire about the exchange rate so that you can get the most favorable rate when exchanging currency.
Cambodia is a friendly neighboring country with Vietnam. Therefore, when you have the need to visit, travel, or study there, you will have to convert currency for convenience in trading and exchanging goods. The above is an update on how to convert Cambodian Riels to Vietnamese currency, the latest exchange rate of Cambodian currency to VND. I hope this provides readers with helpful insights to facilitate a faster and more accurate currency conversion process. You now know how much Vietnamese money is equivalent to 1 riel KHR, right?
In addition, if you don't know how to convert Singapore dollars to Vietnamese currency or what the exchange rate of Singapore currency to VND is, you can refer to the guide on how to convert Singapore dollars to Vietnamese currency here.