Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, bolsters the immune system and is indispensable for the natural healing of wounds and tissue damage, encompassing cuts, sprains, strains, burns, and fractures. Additionally, Vitamin C may mitigate inflammation, retard aging effects, aid in cancer treatment, and mitigate the risk of heart disease and stroke. Vitamin C, being water-soluble, encounters challenges when introduced into a fat-soluble environment — liposomal vitamin C resolves this issue. Liposomes, being fat-soluble carriers, ferry nutrients to the body's cells. You can even concoct your liposomal vitamin C by adhering to some straightforward steps.
Crafting Basic Liposomal Vitamin C
Assemble your ingredients. To prepare liposomal vitamin C, you'll require specific ingredients and tools. Most of these items can be procured from a well-stocked grocery store, though you might need to resort to online purchases for some. For instance, lecithin might be elusive in local stores. To concoct liposomal vitamin C, you'll need:
- Distilled water
- 40% alcohol vodka
- Vitamin C powder or tablets (also known as ascorbic acid)
- Powdered lecithin derived from soy or sunflower seeds (ensure it's GMO-free)
- High-powered blender
- Scale measuring in grams or ounces
- Large glass container, like a measuring cup or beaker
- Spacious mason jar
Measure out nine ounces of distilled water and 12 ounces of vodka. It's crucial to use steam-distilled water for this concoction. Avoid using tap water. Measure and pour both the water and vodka into the glass container. If you have a measuring cup with markings, it's ideal for this task.
Incorporate 6 ounces of vitamin C powder into the water. Measure out 6 ounces of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder and add it to the vodka and water blend. Stir until the vitamin C is fully dissolved.
- To ensure complete dissolution, consider heating the mixture in a ceramic pan until it reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).
- If using vitamin C tablets, crush them beforehand. A mortar and pestle work, or place tablets in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin.
Mix in the lecithin. Weigh out 7 ounces of lecithin and add it to the vitamin C, water, and vodka mix. Soy or sunflower-derived lecithin works. Pour the blend into a blender.
- Blend on high for about four minutes, then refrigerate for a few hours. Repeat this process five or six times over the next 24 hours.
Transfer your liposomal vitamin C to a large mason jar. At this stage, your liposomal vitamin C is ready for storage and use. Further liposome creation can be achieved with an ultrasonic unit, but it's optional as blending has already initiated liposome formation.
Enhancing Liposomal Vitamin C
Assemble materials. Note that utilizing an ultrasonic unit to enhance your liposomal vitamin C is discretionary. If you lack the necessary materials, you might need to procure them online, such as the glass beaker and ultrasonic unit. You'll require:
- One batch of basic liposomal vitamin C
- High-powered blender
- 1-liter glass beaker
- Ultrasonic unit
- Plastic wrap
- Wooden spoon
Re-blend the liposomal vitamin C once more. Blend until the liposomal vitamin C feels warm, which may take several minutes. Check the temperature by feeling the blender. It should be around 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius).
Transfer the basic liposomal vitamin C to a glass beaker. Once the vitamin C is warm from blending, transfer it to your glass beaker. Ensure the beaker can accommodate all ingredients and fit into your ultrasonic unit. Verify before transferring.
Eliminate bubbles using the ultrasonic unit. Place the beaker with the liposomal vitamin C into the ultrasonic unit for roughly 30 minutes. The unit will bring bubbles to the surface. After 30 minutes, cover the beaker with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour. Then, use a wooden spoon to remove collected bubbles from the surface.
- Adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for the ultrasonic unit.
Return liposomal vitamin C to the ultrasonic unit. Allow the unit to run until the vitamin C mixture reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). This step helps eliminate any bacteria present in your liposomal vitamin C.
Managing and Utilizing Liposomal Vitamin C
Transfer the liposomal vitamin C to a glass container. Once your liposomal vitamin C is prepared, transfer it to a glass container. Ensure the container has a secure lid to prevent leakage. A mason jar is suitable for storing your liposomal vitamin C.
Keep liposomal vitamin C refrigerated. Refrigeration helps preserve your liposomal vitamin C, but remember its short shelf-life. It remains viable for only about three to four days, requiring bi-weekly preparation if used regularly.
Consume one tablespoon of liposomal vitamin C daily. A single tablespoon suffices as liposomal vitamin C is potent. For optimal absorption, take it on an empty stomach. Mixing it with juice or water is advisable due to its sour taste.
Be mindful of Vitamin C's impact on iron absorption. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption from iron-rich foods or supplements. Therefore, avoid exceeding your daily iron intake from either source.
- Some recommend waiting at least an hour after liposomal vitamin C consumption before consuming red meat.
Avoid liposomal vitamin C before a blood glucose test. Liposomal vitamin C can influence blood glucose test results, so refrain from its intake two to three days prior to the test. Inform your doctor about your liposomal vitamin C usage.
Consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions. Certain medical conditions may contraindicate liposomal vitamin C usage. Before taking liposomal Vitamin C, consult your physician if you:
- Have diabetes or kidney disease
- Follow a sodium-restricted diet
- Take blood thinners
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