Crafting Money Leis


Frequently Asked Questions


What materials do I need to create a money lei?

To create a money lei, you'll need paper money, colored or decorative paper (optional), rubber bands, about 3 yards of ribbon, a beaded necklace, double-sided tape, and scissors. These materials will help you craft a unique and memorable gift.

How many flowers should I include in my money lei?

Typically, a money lei consists of 40 to 60 flowers. The number can vary based on the lei's length and your personal preference. Consider using a combination of paper flowers and folded bills for variety.

What steps are involved in folding a bill for the lei?

Begin by folding one edge of the bill 1/2-inch, then flip and fold the opposite direction. Continue this accordion-style folding until the entire bill is folded, securing it with a rubber band in the center.

Can I include personal items in my money lei design?

Yes, you can enhance your money lei by incorporating personal items such as keepsakes, seashells, or motivational messages. This adds a sentimental touch and makes the gift even more special.

Is there a specific way to attach the bills to the necklace?

To attach the bills to the necklace, use a 6-inch piece of ribbon to tie the rubber-banded section of the folded bill to the necklace. Space them evenly among the beads for a balanced appearance.

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