Crafting Your Own Tutankhamun Mask


Frequently Asked Questions


What materials do I need to recreate King Tutankhamun's mask?

To recreate King Tutankhamun's mask, you'll need a white full-face mask, thin cardboard, masking tape, newspaper, glue and water, scissors, craft blade, gold spray paint, blue and black acrylic paint, paintbrushes, paper clay, craft foam, and an empty toilet paper roll.

How should I prepare the mask before applying paint?

Before applying paint, cover the entire mask with a base coat of white paint or gesso. This will create a smooth surface and enhance the visibility of colors, ensuring a more vibrant final appearance.

What is the process for creating the beard on the mask?

To create the beard, use an empty toilet paper roll. Make slits at the top, trim one tab, and then attach the tube to the chin section of the mask, securing it with tape for stability.

How do I attach the cobra and vulture to the mask?

Shape the cobra and vulture heads from paper clay, then allow them to dry. Once dry, use hot glue to attach them to the forehead strip on the mask, positioning the cobra on the left and the vulture on the right.

What steps should I follow for paper mache application on the mask?

Rip newspaper into narrow strips, prepare a glue mixture of equal parts thick white glue and water, and immerse the strips before applying them to the mask. Smooth each layer, limiting to 2 or 3 layers for a sturdy finish.