When lending your personal computer to someone else, if you're concerned about them accessing your personal data or installing unfamiliar software, or changing system settings, there's nothing better than creating a Guest Account before handing over the computer. In this article, I'll guide you on how to create a guest account on a computer running Windows 11.
How to Create a Guest Account on Your Computer
Step 1: Open the Settings app. Go to Accounts > Family & other users.
Step 2: Under Other users, click on Add Account.
Step 3: Then, the Microsoft Account window will appear. To create a Guest account, select I don't have this person’s sign-in information.
Step 4: Then select Add a user without a Microsoft account.
Step 5: Finally, enter the username and password into the corresponding fields, then click Next to create the Guest account.
So, I've shared with you how to create a Guest account on Windows 11 in a simple way, right? Wish you success. If you find it helpful, don't forget to leave a like and share it with others.
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