Are you looking to use Liveworksheets to create online worksheets, but unsure of how to proceed? Refer to the guide on creating online exercise sheets with Liveworksheets below.
Creating Interactive Exercise Sheets on Liveworksheets
Requirement: Register and log in to your Liveworksheets account.
- For more information: How to create a Liveworksheets account
Guide on creating online exercise sheets with Liveworksheets
Step 1: Access the Liveworksheets page HERE and proceed to log in to your account.
Step 2: Click on 'Create interactive worksheets'.
Step 3: Once options are displayed, click on 'Get Started'.
Step 4: Click on 'Select file' to upload the PDF file, then click 'Upload' to upload the appropriate file.
Note: This tool only supports PDF, .jpg, .png file formats and optimizes files under 5MB. If you are using a Word file, convert it to PDF before uploading the assignment.
Step 5: At this point, your file will be uploaded. You'll see icons as shown in the image.
Depending on the type, we design different types of exercise sheets:
1. Multiple-choice exercise type
How to do it: Click on each answer in the question and draw a box -> Write 'Select:yes' next to the correct answer, and for the wrong answer, write 'select:no'.
2. Dropdown menu answer selection exercise
How to do it: Draw a box in the blank space of the question -> Type 'choose: + write the options you want students to choose'. Each option will be separated by '/*'. For example: choose:news reporter/*fix/*drive/*catch.
3. Matching exercise
How to do it: At the end of the question, write 'join:1' and draw a box at the beginning of the answer for question 1 as 'join:1' -> Do the same for questions 2, 3, 4 ...
4. Drag and drop exercise
How to do it: Draw a box at the option then write 'drag:1' -> Draw a box at the option you want to move to the option above and then write 'Drop:1'.
5. Fill in the blank exercise
How to do it: Draw a box then fill in the blank.
You can refer to the detailed instructions in the tutorial video below:
Instructional Video 1:
Instructional Video 2:
Remember to create online exercise sheets using Liveworksheets to create effective worksheets. Whether you create exercises in PDF, Word, or oral form, you can easily and quickly create them.