Creating Stylish Image Borders in Word


Frequently Asked Questions


How can I effectively add borders to images in Microsoft Word?

To add borders to images in Microsoft Word, insert your image, click on it, go to the Format tab, select Picture Style, and choose your desired border style from the dropdown menu.

What steps should I follow to customize image borders in Word?

To customize image borders in Word, select your image, navigate to the Format tab, choose Picture Border, and then adjust color, weight, and style according to your preferences.

Is it possible to remove an image border in Microsoft Word?

Yes, you can remove an image border in Microsoft Word by selecting the image, going to the Format tab, and clicking on Reset Picture to revert to the original state.

What are the available options for customizing border thickness in Word?

You can customize border thickness in Word by selecting the image, going to Picture Border, choosing Weight, and selecting your preferred thickness measured in pixels.