Current users can permanently delete Facebook messages or temporarily remove them by placing the messages in 'Ignore' or 'Archive' mode. Messages and conversations disappear immediately from your Facebook messaging interface after executing this task. Follow the article below from to learn various methods for deleting Facebook messages temporarily or permanently.
- Download Messenger for Android.
- Download Messenger for iPhone.
Deleting Facebook Messages
1. Permanently Delete Facebook Messages.
Step 1: In the Messenger app on your phone, select the conversation containing the message to be deleted ->Hold down the message until a options menu appears, you choose Remove.
Step 2: You select: Remove message for you -> A notification appears, you select Remove.
Note: Messages you delete on Facebook will not be visible to you again, but other users, friends in that conversation, will still see these messages.
After successfully deleting Facebook messages, the screen will display the message Removed.
To delete all messages in the conversation, simply hold down on the conversation name until the options menu appears, then select the trash can icon.
After 1 notification pops up, select Delete.
2. Temporarily Delete Facebook Messages.
Method 1: Move Messages to Ignore Messages.
Step 1: Hold down the conversation you want to temporarily delete until the options menu appears, then select the 3 horizontal lines icon.
Step 2: Scroll down and choose Ignore Messages -> A notification pops up, select Ignore.
Temporarily deleted Facebook messages will be displayed in the Messages Pending section.
To review or restore temporarily deleted Facebook messages, go to the Messages Pending section located on the main interface of the Messenger app -> Select Spam.
When you send a message, emoji, or icon in the conversation, the message will immediately be restored and return to the main interface of Messenger.
Method 2: Move Messages to Archive
Step 1: Hold down the Facebook message you want to temporarily delete -> Select the 3 horizontal lines icon.
Step 2: Immediately choose the first line: Archive. Right after that, the message, conversation you just performed the task on will disappear from the main interface of Messenger.
Now if you want to find the temporarily deleted messages above, go to the search bar on Messenger and retype the username or conversation name.
So the article above from has guided you on how to delete Facebook messages temporarily and permanently. If you want to review permanently deleted messages, you can refer to how to recover deleted Facebook messages to proceed. Wish you success in following the steps above.