Sometimes, you may feel frustrated because some friends keep messaging or bothering you on Zalo. Of course, right after signing up for Zalo, you hastily add all the suggested users, leading to the inability to choose acquaintances. This is why many people are bothered by strangers after logging into Zalo and scrolling through posts.
This situation is also commonly seen on Skype and Facebook Messenger. The smart way to use Zalo is to know how to delete Zalo friends when necessary if they bother you. You can even block them so they can never add you as a friend again.
How to Remove Friends on Zalo Across Desktop, iPhone, Android Versions
* Removing Friends on Zalo for Android
Step 1: From the main interface of Zalo for Android, tap on the Contacts tab (user icon in the second position from the top).
Step 2: Press and hold on any user to display a notification. In the notification box, tap on Remove at the bottom to delete the friend.
By default, Zalo will ask again to confirm deleting a Zalo friend for Android, you just need to press Delete to remove that person from your contacts.
A notification of successful friend deletion will appear afterward, consider it done.
* How to Delete Friends on Zalo for iPhone
On iPhone, deleting a Zalo friend is even simpler.
Step 1: Tap on the Contacts icon in Zalo for iPhone. Then select the friend you want to unfriend and delete from Zalo.
Step 2: Swipe from right to left on the Zalo user on iPhone you wish to delete.
Press the red trash can icon to delete the friend. Alternatively, if you prefer to block this user instead of deleting, tap on the three dashes icon and select Block this user.
* How to Delete Friends on Zalo for Computer, PC
Usually, some friend suggestions from unfamiliar users only appear after users register on Zalo, both with a phone and through registering on a computer, as Zalo aims to introduce potential acquaintances. However, after logging into Zalo and using it for a while, those users seem to have no contact or relationship with you. This leads to the need to delete Zalo friends on Android, iPhone, or PC to refresh the Zalo homepage.