In the latest update of League of Legends, everything will be tweaked a bit to balance the game more and pave the way for the Big Elemental Uprising Update set to be released soon. Below are the changes in League of Legends version 9.21.
1. Champion Adjustments
- Garen: Basic damage of skill E reduced.
E - Judgment:
+ Damage per spin reduced from 8/12/16/20/24 to 4/8/12/16/20.
+ Damage ratio per spin: 0-8.2 (levels 1-18)(+32/34/36/38/40% attack damage).
- Kayn: Increased damage on Q, increased damage ratio in Rhaast form, reduced damage to monsters.
Q - Reaping:
+ Damage: from 60/80/100/120/140 increased to 75/95/115/135/155.
+ Damage ratio in Rhaast form: From 0.5 total attack damage increased to 0.55 total attack damage.
+ Additional damage to monsters: decreased from 55 to 40.
- Kog'Maw: Increased base damage on Q and E, rounding off basic stats.
Q - Acid Spittle: Base damage increased from 80/130/180/230/280 to 90/140/190/240/290.
E - Void Ooze: Base damage increased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 75/120/165/210/255.
- Lulu: Boost shield and damage for E ability towards late game.
E - Help, Pix:
+ Shield: increased from 80/115/150/185/220 to 80/120/160/200/240.
+ Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 increased to 80/120/160/200/240.
Maokai: Increased damage on W, reduced cost, increased duration of R's root.
Q - Bramble Smash: Fixed a bug causing Maokai to deal damage to nearby enemies when using Q immediately upon death.
W - Twisted Advance:
+ Cost: changed from 60/65/70/75/80 to 60 at all levels.
+ Damage: from 50/75/100/125/150 increased to 70/95/120/145/170.
R - Highlander: Root duration increased from 0.6-2.4 seconds (based on movement distance) => 0.8-2.6 seconds (based on movement distance).
- Master Yi: Additional attacks from Guinsoo's Rageblade can now trigger Double Strike and stack Double Strike.
Innate - Double Strike: Bug fix, Master Yi can now trigger Double Strike and stack Double Strike from the additional attacks of Guinsoo's Rageblade.
- Pyke: Health scaling reduced, gray health from passive reduced.
Base Stats: Health scaling reduced from 100 to 90.
Passive - Gift of the Drowned Ones: Gray health reduced from 30-81% (levels 1-18) damage taken from enemy champions to 25-50% (levels 1-18) damage taken from enemy champions.
Shaco: Reduced existence duration of Jack in the Boxes.
W - Jack in the Box: Duration reduced from 60 seconds to 40 seconds
- Sona: Enhanced additional resource bar update and fixed passive bugs
Overview: When Passive - Power Chord is ready, Sona's resource bar will change color based on the aura Sona currently possesses
Bug fix: Sona's abilities no longer bug preventing stacking of Passive - Power Chord immediately after an empowered attack
- Viktor: Rounding off basic stats, increasing Q damage
Base Stats:
+ Health: 528.94 rounded up to 530
+ Attack Damage: 52.04 rounded up to 53
+ Armor: increased from 22.72 to 23
Q - Energy Discharge
+ Damage: increased from 50/65/80/95/110 to 60/75/90/105/120
+ Bug fix: now accurately increases shield strength after empowerment
W - Primal Howl
Sound fix: Primal Howl sound effects are no longer too loud when hitting multiple targets
- Warwick: Increased Q damage ratio, increased W attack speed
Q - Jaws of the Beast: Damage ratio increased from 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% target's maximum health to 6/7/8/9/10% target's maximum health
W - Blood Scent: Bonus attack speed increased from 50/65/80/95/110% when attacking targets below 50% health to 70/80/90/100/110% when attacking targets below 50% health
2. Bug Fixes
- When Kindred uses W - Wolf's Frenzy, Wolf will still attack nearby targets when Kindred is not attacking anyone
- When passing through the Scuttle Crab Speed Shrine, enemy champions will receive a vision reveal marker.
- Enemies revealed by Ashe's E - Hawkshot no longer receive a vision reveal effect throughout the game.
- Visual effects of R - Supreme Display of Talent by Qiyana no longer misalign with its actual effect, and it will go through walls within enemy vision, even when used in darkness.
- Description of Heimerdinger's R - UPGRADE!!! no longer mentions the E - CH-3X Lightning Grenade being increased to 80% slow.
- Only the newest champion can pick up the Eye of the Herald. Yasuo dashes through it with R - Last Breath, Zed or Kayn's shadows when using W - Shadow Slash standing on it will not cause the non-existent units to pick up the relic.
- When Sylas Hijacks Nidalee's ultimate and uses Q - Jaws of the Beast, he will deal damage to it accurately.
- Visual effects of R - Voice of Light by Aurelion Sol will no longer be visible across the map, even when in darkness.
- Neeko can once again choose herself to deactivate her disguise, causing her to reappear within 2 seconds.
- Kled will no longer lose his untargetability status when dismounted near a turret/wall.
3. New Skins and Chromas
Blitzcrank Pothole Plunger
Miss Fortune Witchy
Miss Fortune Witchy - Prestige Edition
Count Kassadin
Anime Birthday
Chroma Blitzcrank Pothole Plunger
Chroma Count Kassadin
Above are the latest updates of League of Legends version 9.21 for you to grasp and utilize the changes to have more fun when playing League of Legends. Meanwhile, Riot also introduces the Teamfight Tactics 9.21 version with many changes and will be the final version before locking the Teamfight Tactics ranking system.