Being required to stay home from work or school can be bothersome, yet if you’re grappling with a contagious ailment or your well-being is jeopardized, it may be the wisest choice. If you or your child exhibit specific symptoms, remaining at home can aid in recovery and lower the risk of spreading illness to others. Evaluate your symptoms and consult with your physician to determine whether staying home from work or school is advisable. During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it's generally recommended to stay home if you experience any signs of illness, even if they're not severe.
Identifying Symptoms of Contagious Illnesses
- Stay home until your body temperature returns to the normal range, usually around 98 °F (37 °C), and remains stable for 24 hours.
- Consuming fever-reducing medications does not diminish contagion.
- A high fever is often accompanied by episodes of sweating and chills.
Common Childhood Illnesses
Preventing and Managing Illness
Seeking Medical Advice
Useful Advice
Important Reminders
- If your child is unwell, seek advice from your pediatrician.
- Adhere to your doctor's instructions when using medications.
- Before administering any medications or home remedies, consult your doctor if you are pregnant or caring for a child.
- Prior to taking additional medications, including over-the-counter ones or home remedies, consult your doctor if you are already taking other medications as they may interact.
- If you interact with vulnerable groups at work or school, such as children, the elderly, or individuals with weakened immune systems, it's especially crucial to stay home if you're unwell.