Oat milk is favored as an eco-friendly and healthier substitute for dairy milk. It has a shorter shelf life of about 7-10 days once opened. To check if it has gone bad, examine its appearance, smell, or taste. If it's off, discard it!
Evaluating Spoiled Oat Milk
Inspect the oat milk's expiration date. Start by checking the expiration date printed on the oat milk container. If it's within the stated period, it's likely safe to consume. Even if it's been opened for over 10 days, as long as it's within the expiration date, give it a check before drinking.
Check the consistency by pouring a small amount of milk into the sink. Spoiled oat milk tends to become chunky and thicker. If you observe lumps and an uneven texture instead of smoothness, it's likely spoiled.
Examine the milk's color for any signs of yellowing. Spoiled oat milk often takes on a yellow tint, darker than its fresh appearance. Any noticeable change in color could indicate spoilage.
Assess the aroma of the oat milk for any sour notes. Open the container and sniff—if it smells slightly acidic or off, it might be spoiled. Overly expired oat milk emits a strong, sour odor distinct from its usual scent.
Taste a small amount of oat milk for any sourness. If unsure, sample a spoonful of milk. If it tastes sour, discard it. If it tastes normal, it's likely safe to consume.
Preserving Oat Milk
Keep commercially bought shelf-stable oat milk in a cool, dry place. Unopened oat milk generally doesn't require refrigeration. Store it in a cool, dry spot like a pantry or cupboard.
Chill oat milk immediately upon opening. Once opened, transfer oat milk to the fridge promptly to maintain freshness. Return it to the fridge after each use.
Consume opened oat milk within 7-10 days. Oat milk has a shorter shelf life compared to dairy milk. Aim to finish it within a week to 10 days for optimal taste.
Keep homemade oat milk refrigerated for up to 5 days. If you've made your own oat milk, store it in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Remember to shake it gently if it separates.
Extend oat milk's shelf life by freezing. If you have excess oat milk, freeze it in a suitable container. Thaw it in the fridge before use, and remember to label the container with the freezing date.