Digi Battle, originally known as Beast King Battle, was previously released by the publisher Funtap quite a while ago. The game operates on the Android platform and is not available for iOS. With the release of Digi Battle, iOS players can now experience it due to its consistent gameplay, graphics, and features among games.
Funtap will officially release Digi Battle to the market on 09/01. Both iOS and Android gamers can experience this game.
Digi Battle boasts modern graphics with sharp, high-quality images and vibrant colors. Particularly, the graphic quality shines during team battles. The skill effects of the digimons are visually stunning and captivating.
Funtap's Digi Battle is an iconic turn-based ARPG team game. Players will search for and collect digimons through card flipping, events, rewards... to form their team.
During battles, both sides will showcase their strength through turn-based combat of the digimons. Defeating the opponent's entire team will make you the winner.
Outstanding Features
Digi Battle boasts remarkable features to be rated as the number one monster game in Southeast Asia. The first point to mention is the digimon evolution feature. After evolution, digimons will no longer be in their previous state but will take on the form of warriors, transformers that are incredibly beautiful. The evolution form of digimons varies according to each specific level. Each level has its own criteria and conditions.
The 'fate' system in the game is also a highlight not to be missed. Players can enhance the team's strength by assembling digimons with the same 'fate'. With a full team of digimons, you will receive additional attributes.
The leveling and ranking system in Digi Battle helps quickly increase the power of digimons. Upgrade digimons, enhance equipment, and increase quality to maximize the power of digimons.
In addition, Digi Battle also features numerous rich PK elements such as Exploration, Adventure, Arena...
Currently, the game is preparing to launch for local players. Many exciting events are organized by the Digi Battle community administrators on forums, participate and win rewards.
Together with Digi Battle, Ancient Sword Legends is also a new game launched during this period. Readers can download Ancient Sword Legends on Android, iPhone devices to experience thrilling battles. To understand more, follow the article Introducing the sect system in Ancient Sword Legends here