Discovering friends nearby feature on Zalo, a useful tool aiding in connecting with people around.
Having various options to make friends on Zalo facilitates users in conveniently finding friends anytime, anywhere, and through different means.
Finding friends on Zalo by scanning nearby individuals
Step 1: Firstly, you need to log in to Zalo and access the Contacts section on the main interface. There are various ways to log in to Zalo, such as logging in with your phone number and QR code. Here, click on the add friends icon at the top right corner of Zalo for iPhone.
Then, select the Scan nearby friends option to scan and find Zalo friends for iPhone.
Step 2: This feature will require the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) to find nearby Zalo friends who have their GPS turned on.
If Zalo asks to turn on GPS, you need to allow access permission by selecting Allow access.
Finding friends on Zalo by scanning nearby is not a new trick, but using this feature requires your phone to support GPS location services to be successful.
After successfully finding friends on Zalo by scanning nearby, you can easily chat and communicate with friends. Zalo now supports video calls and video streaming similar to Messenger, Viber, and Skype, providing users with more diverse experiences.
Wishing you all success in finding friends on Zalo!