1,188k VND might seem like a hefty sum at first glance, but considering you get 2GB of high-speed data every day for a year with the 12TS4G MobiFone package, it's quite affordable. Details on benefits, registration, cancellation, and package renewal will be provided in detail by Mytour.vn shortly.
When you subscribe to the 12TS4G MobiFone package, you'll instantly receive 2GB of data every day for 12 months.
How to register for the 12TS4G MobiFone package, 1,188k VND/12 months with 2GB/day
Registration Conditions
Package Benefits
Usage Rules
Package Registration
Buy Extra Package Quota
2. Exclusive Offer: MobiFone 12TS4G Package
+ 720 GB High-speed Data for 12 months (Equivalent to 2GB Data/day)
+ Package Price: 1,188,000 VND
+ Package Duration: 180 days
3. Terms of Use for MobiFone 12TS4G Package
+ Enjoy daily Data benefits (2GB) throughout 12 months. If the daily Data limit is reached, the system will reduce the bandwidth to a lower speed without additional charges.
+ Unused daily Data benefits (2GB) will not carry over to the next day.
+ MobiFone 12TS4G Package will be automatically renewed after the 12-month cycle
4. How to Subscribe to MobiFone 12TS4G Package
If you aim to save costs with a year-long network usage, you can subscribe to the MobiFone 12TS4G Package using the following syntax:
DK 12TS4G send 999
ON 12TS4G send 9084
To check the remaining Data usage for the day of the package, you can send a message using the syntax:
KT ALL send 999
Send 999 to get KT Data
5. How to cancel 12TS4G MobiFone package
The package has a relatively high registration price and has an auto-renewal feature when the cycle ends. If you don't need to use it and want to avoid unexpected charges, you can cancel the package using the following syntax:
Send 999 with HUY 12TS4G
6. How to purchase additional data for 12TS4G MobiFone package
You can purchase additional 4G Data packages from MobiFone on a daily basis if you have used up the daily Data benefits of the 12TS4G MobiFone package:
Experience lightning-fast internet with MobiFone's D5 package at just 5,000 VND/day, offering 1GB high-speed data. Stay connected effortlessly!
To subscribe, simply text:
REG NAME OF PACKAGE send to 999 (e.g., REG D15 send to 999)
For cancellation, send a text:
CANCEL NAME OF PACKAGE send to 999 (e.g., CANCEL D15 send to 999)
Explore ways to subscribe to MobiFone's 12TS4G package, 1,188,000 VND/12 months with 2GB/day. If your usage is lower, opt for Subscribe to MobiFone's 6TS4G package at 594,000 VND/6 months, providing 2GB high-speed data every day.