Mirror Crossing is a mobile game crafted in manga style, developed by Magnolia Factory from Japan. Introduced at the Tokyo Game Show since 2015, it has garnered attention from industry experts and gamers alike. Magnolia Factory offers pre-registration for players starting mid-January.
The storyline of Mirror Crossing follows the classic hero's journey motif. Players embark on a quest to vanquish opposing forces and restore the shattered spiritual treasure, a vital artifact.
Mirror Crossing offers traditional tactical team-based gameplay where players arrange their trio to overcome dungeon challenges, each with Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty levels. Defeating main bosses allows for the progression of new characters, with each member benefiting from various skills.
Gameplay in Mirror Crossing is unique, allowing captains and other members to freely change positions within the team grid, relying on player-controlled combat calculations. Characters have their own equipment and upgrade systems to unleash their full potential.
Mirror Crossing boasts a user-friendly 2D graphic platform with a world area and main map interface, providing a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate experience. Pre-registration is now open for players.
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