1. Green Tea Cooperative Thái Nguyên
Call NowGreen Tea Thái Nguyên is a must-buy for every traveler visiting Thái Nguyên, with Tân Cương tea being the ultimate choice.
Green Tea Cooperative Thái Nguyên is the producer and supplier of the renowned Tân Cương tea in Thái Nguyên. Tân Cương tea from this cooperative has a strong aroma, rice fragrance, lasting taste, rich mild bitterness, and a green tea color, truly captivating. Thanks to their expertise in cultivation and processing, the people of Tân Cương and the workers at Green Tea Cooperative Thái Nguyên package and introduce high-quality tea bags. Anyone who enjoys tea will cherish the flavor of Tân Cương tea from here.
Green Tea Cooperative Thái Nguyên offers various processed teas, including bran tea, pressed tea, Tân Cương bud tea, Hương Lài tea, and elegantly packaged tea boxes, suitable as gifts for family and friends.
- No. 38, Alley 288, Group 21, Phan Đình Phùng Ward, Thái Nguyên City, Thái Nguyên
- Hồng Thái Hamlet, Tân Cương Commune, Thái Nguyên City, Thái Nguyên
Email: [email protected]
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/chethainguyenvietgap.htxtraxanhthainguyen

2. Tuyến Loan Fermented Soybean Paste
Call NowAnyone visiting Úc Kỳ commune must seize the opportunity to taste the rich and fragrant flavor of fermented soybean paste. Tuyến Loan Fermented Soybean Paste stands out as one of the best and most renowned producers of Úc Kỳ fermented soybean paste in Thái Nguyên.
Tuyến Loan Fermented Soybean Paste is licensed for food safety, receiving numerous commendations and memorabilia from Thái Nguyên province. The Úc Kỳ fermented soybean paste made by Tuyến Loan is crafted from selected glutinous rice - a distinctive feature compared to other regions producing fermented soybean paste. It combines with soybeans and white salt, with no artificial additives or preservatives. The meticulous and experienced production process results in a dark, smooth, and fragrant paste, ideal for dipping and seasoning various dishes. Every season in Tuyến Loan, families delight in the aroma of rich fermented soybean paste.
Address: Ngoài II Hamlet, Úc Kỳ Commune, Phú Bình, Thái Nguyên
Phone: 0979 895 423 & 0984 764 368
Email: [email protected]
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/tuongnepucky.tuyenloan
Shopee: shopee.vn/minhkhang070912
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