Không Thể Rời Mắt unfolds the story of two sisters portrayed by the talented duo Jack and Thúy Ngân. Despite their constant teasing, the sisters share a deep bond, always protecting and cherishing one another. Their journey is filled with laughter and tears.
Experience Không Thể Rời Mắt with Jack and Thúy Ngân on the VieON app.
Watch Không Thể Rời Mắt on VieON
1. Watch on the app
Step 1: Download and install the VieON app on your phone using the following link:
=> Link download VieON for Android
=> Link download VieON for iOS
Step 2: Simply tap Skip to bypass any initial introductions when first accessing the app.
Step 3: Upon launching the VieON application, navigate to the Featured tab where you'll spot the banner for the captivating movie Cannot Take Eyes Off.
If it's not visible, simply scroll down to find the Trending section and select the movie Cannot Take Eyes Off.
Another method to locate this movie is by clicking on the Movies tab --> New Releases --> Cannot Take Eyes Off.
Step 4: The movie will commence automatically after the initial advertisements. Now, sit back and enjoy Cannot Take Eyes Off on VieON.
2. Watching via Web Browser
Step 1: Launch the web browser on your computer.
Step 2: Visit the page to watch Cannot Take Eyes Off on VieON: HERE
Don't miss out on watching Cannot Take Eyes Off starring the singer Jack exclusively airing on VieON. Sea Road in the Wind is currently a captivating action drama series garnering significant attention from viewers. This series is also exclusively available on this application. You can explore how to Watch Sea Road in the Wind episodes 1-7 on VieON HERE.