The Drama Nhu Y Phuong Phi (English Title: The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion) Narrates the Story of Phó Dung, Portrayed by Cúc Tịnh Y, Who Gains the Ability to See the Future after a Mysterious Illness. Nhu Y Phuong Phi Airs on VieON Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with Two Episodes per Day.
Watch the Entire Series of Nhu Y Phuong Phi on VieON
1. How to Watch Nhu Y Phuong Phi on the VieON App
- Step 1: Download and Install VieON on Your Device. Choose the Appropriate Operating System and Download the App Accordingly.
=> Get the link to download VieON for Android
=> Access the link to download VieON for iOS
- Step 2: Launch the VieON app, then tap 'Skip' (Image 1). Next, look at the bottom right corner and tap 'Skip' (Image 2).
- Step 3: To find the Nhu Y Phuong Phi series, you have 3 options:
+ Option 1: At the top of the interface, slide through the banners (Image 3). Once you spot the banner for Nhu Y Phuong Phi, tap on it (Image 4).
+ Option 2: Alternatively, on the movie interface display (Image 5), scroll to the Trending tab and swipe horizontally to find the Nhu Y Phuong Phi series, then click on it (Image 6).
+ Option 3: In the VieON interface, tap on the magnifying glass icon at the top right corner (Image 7). Then, type the Movie name into the search bar (Image 8).
- Step 4: You click on the movie (Image 9). Then, tap 'purchase now'(Image 10) and follow the system instructions to watch the movie effectively on the VieON channel.
2. How to watch Nhu Y Phuong Phi on VieON browser
- Step 1:Access the browser you are using on your computer.
- Step 2: Go to HERE to visit the page to watch Nhu Y Phuong Phi on VieON. Click on 'Login' to watch the movie.
- Step 3: Follow the system instructions to easily watch the movie.
Check out how to watch Nhu Y Phuong Phi on VieON here to efficiently enjoy the full series and understand the plot and its outcome.
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