Featuring a leisurely gameplay style, when you download and play ZOMBIE Kingdom, you won't need to grind or engage in combat maneuvers like typical RPGs. Your in-game character will automatically battle and collect resources. This sets ZOMBIE Kingdom apart from other zombie-themed games.
Guide to downloading and playing ZOMBIE Kingdom on your smartphone
1. How to download and install ZOMBIE Kingdom for Android, iPhone
Step 1: Download ZOMBIE Kingdom for iPhone or Android from the link below => Click [Link File 1].
- Android version download link: ZOMBIE Kingdom for Android
- iOS version download link:
ZOMBIE Kingdom for iPhoneStep 2:Press
Install=> Press
Hitto launch the game.
Step 3: The game interface after successfully downloading and installing ZOMBIE Kingdom on your device.
2. Guide to playing ZOMBIE Kingdom for beginners
Step 1: Open the game, select the Server to start playing => Press Start.
Step 2: Press the green button to agree to all terms => Press the yellow button to confirm the terms.
Step 3: Tap Sign in with Google to proceed with account login.
Step 4: Enter your username into the blank field => Press the yellow button to confirm.
Step 5: At this point, a game introduction video will appear, you can press Skip to skip it.
Step 6: Complete the Newbie Guide.
Step 7: Proceed to change Zombie Kingdom language to English for easier operation.
- Select the gear icon Settings => Press Current Language.
- Choose English language => Press the (x) mark to close the popup.
- Now, the entire game interface will display in the English language you've selected => Press the (x) button to return to the main game interface.
Step 8: Begin playing ZOMBIE Kingdom, defeat the zombies.
- Your in-game character will automatically move, defeat zombies, and collect rewards.
- Fulfill system-required missions by tapping on mission (1) =>Execute.
=> Example: Missions using Gold Coins to upgrade MP to Lv.50.
- Each level will have a corresponding Boss, press the Boss section to defeat that level's boss and continue battling with more challenging levels.
The process of downloading and playing Zombie Kingdom starts off quite leisurely at the early levels. However, as you progress deeper, bosses become increasingly difficult to defeat, requiring players to devise effective battle strategies and upgrade their characters significantly to conquer all the game's challenges.
If you're looking to relive your childhood with legendary side-scrolling Rambo shooting games, Metal Slug Awakening is the perfect choice. The game offers countless competitive shooting missions and intense Boss battles for players to unleash their sharpshooting instincts.