=> April Fools' Day Riddles
=> Origins of April Fools' Day
=> Memes for April Fools' Day
=> Unique and quirky April Fools' Day pranks
=> Hilarious and original April Fools' Day messages
During these days, people are on high alert for April Fools' Day lies and pranks from friends and loved ones. However, no matter how cautious they are, the following lies will surely catch them off guard. Let's dive in and have some fun!
Compilation of legendary April Fools' Day lies
The most iconic April Fools' Day lies and pranks
While these lies may be old, they still pack a punch on this April Fools' Day.
- Pretend to invite a colleague for lunch:
>> The Ultimate 'Crazy Tricks' Software for April Fools' Day
- 'Come down and open the door for me, I'm standing outside your house!'
Out of love, she'll only think about him and rush down immediately. But upon arrival, he's nowhere to be found, leaving her feeling fooled on April 1st.
- 'I'll come pick you up, let's go out! I'll be there in 3 minutes. Get ready!'
I love you
This phrase is used by many guys to confess to the woman they pursue. It's a gamble! If the girl believes and reciprocates your love, you get your girl. But if she doesn't agree, you'll just have to take it as a joke. No worries about losing face, right guys?
It could also be a confession like 'I like you' to your usual best friend suddenly seeming handsome one day.
Announcing the 'two lines' news to her
Guys who have been in relationships without intending to marry will surely panic with this statement from women. They don't want to believe it, but they can't be at ease...
Announcing a breakup to your partner (But be careful with partners who don't take jokes or those who see this as an opportunity to break up :)) )
Sorry, I'm gay
This leaves you puzzled because it's April Fools' Day. You don't know whether to believe it or not, but at least it makes you feel scared.
I'm treating you to dinner today
You're usually very excited about this invitation, especially when the inviter seems absolutely genuine, not lying at all. But the result is eating alone, feeling terribly deceived and the consequence is sitting alone in the restaurant with a broken heart.
Someone is looking for you downstairs
'Who is it, do you know?'. You'll ask repeatedly because you're skeptical, not sure whether to believe it or not. But eventually, you decide to go downstairs out of fear that if you don't, they'll leave... It's truly a successful prank...
Confessing your mistakes to your parents
You can also take the opportunity on April 1st to make a shocking confession to your parents about a mistake you've made
The Most Successful April Fools' Day Pranks
1. Change someone's mobile phone wallpaper to a cracked screen.
2. Change the language settings on someone's mobile phone to a less commonly used language like Italian, Arabic, or Thai for example.
April Fools' Day Texts
In addition to the aforementioned lies, you can also use texts to add more laughter to April 1st. Below is a compilation of some of the funniest and most absurd texts used on this day.
1. 'A recent study has shown that
Only fools use their thumbs when reading text messages
See, now it's too late,
Don't try to change your finger!
Just find other fools'
2. 'You're very important to me
I can't live without you even for a second
You're my life, and I feel you every moment
Just kidding! I'm talking about oxygen'.
3. 'You're the most handsome man in the world
You're the smartest person in history
You're also the most knowledgeable person on Earth
And you're spreading those rumors everywhere'
4. 'Someone...
Is missing you...
Needs you...
Worries about you...
Feels lonely without you...
Do you know who that is?
It's the hairy monkey at the zoo...'
5. 'Today, tomorrow, and forevermore
There will be a heart
Always yearning for you.
Do you know whose heart that is?
It's your own foolish heart'
6. 'Feeling sad?
Wondering what to do?
Too easy. Just pull the zipper down....
Then put your hand into the gap of the zipper...
Then grasp...
The book in your bag and STUDY!!!'
7. 'If you feel your life is sinking into darkness
Pray to God to free you from the shadows
But if you still find yourself in pitch black darkness
Then please promptly pay last month's electricity bill!'
Above are some humorous jokes, although old, they still work effectively on April Fools' Day (1/4). Wishing you can 'trick' many people on these days.
The Most Effective April Fools' Day Pranks
- Give your colleague a fright with fake milk on April Fools' Day!
Meaningful April Fools' Day Pranks
- Change your birthday on Facebook to April 1st. When the lovely wishes start pouring in, switch your status to 'April Fools' Day!'.
- Stick a note on the photocopier that says: 'This photocopier can now be voice-controlled,' also a great idea for April Fools' Day.
- Tape over the TV remote sensor, someone might end up changing batteries and complaining all day that the remote is broken. That will make for some fun on April Fools' Day.
- Dip the tip of your colleague's pen into clear nail polish and watch her struggle with a pen that worked fine yesterday but miraculously has no ink today, a fantastic April Fools' Day prank.
- Tell your secret crush straight up: 'I love you' or vice versa, April 1st is a perfect opportunity to express feelings for those you've been secretly admiring.
Humorous April Fools' Day Pranks
- This one's for funny dads and moms: When the kids are fast asleep, switch their positions like changing beds or swapping bedrooms. Your job is to wait and see their reaction when they wake up the next morning.
- Spread a layer of cream cheese on the rollerball part of someone's deodorant for April Fools' Day prank
- Gift someone – maybe your child – a fancy wrapped box, but inside, include random items like a potato, a toilet brush, or a pack of instant noodles.
- Turn a toilet paper roll into a 'poop' and place it on the desk, chair, or laptop of the person you want to prank on April Fools' Day.
April Fools' Day Pranks for Friends
Unique April 1st Memes
Hilarious April Fools' Day Lies
April Fools' Day Memes
Deceptive Day Memes