Curious about the innovations in TFT Update 10.13? This article provides noteworthy insights into the upcoming release, currently undergoing testing on PBE. Scheduled for launch on June 24th, TFT Update 10.13 promises exciting changes.
If you're a true fan of Teamfight Tactics, you'll notice that the latest game update is quite substantial. Update 10.12 brought a series of changes to champions, adjustments to traits, new content, bug fixes, and even removed some characters. Now, the 'lighter' TFT Update 10.13 has set foot on PBE during the testing phase, and here are some key changes you might want to explore in this update.
What's New in TFT Update 10.13
Firstly, some in-game systems underwent changes as we reached the midpoint of the 2020 update journey. Currently on PBE, the Battlecast and Protector traits have seen adjustments to their stats. Regarding champions, Ekko, Kog'Maw, Cassiopeia, and Aurelion Sol have also been modified in this update, with a mix of damage increases and decreases, as well as other stat tweaks.
Details of TFT Update 10.13 Galactic Armory 2
1. New Galaxies
- Introducing the new Binary Star galaxy.
- Champions can now equip only up to 2 items.
- The Super-Mech is also limited to 2 items.
- The Medium Legends galaxy has been removed from the game.
2. Trait/Class Changes
- Battlecast: 80/180/480/880 Healing & Damage on Activation
- Duelist: 30/65/100% Chance for bonus attacks
- Cannoneer: 3/6 Extra Attacks
- Super Tech: 40/75 Bonus AD
- Shade: 8/18/28/38 Bonus AD & AP
- Infiltrator: 40/80/120 Bonus Attack Speed
- Mystic: 50/120 Magic Resist
3. Champion Changes in TFT Update 10.13
- 1 Gold
+ Illaoi
Increased HP to 700 from 600
Extended Spell Duration to 6 seconds from 4
30/40/60% Defense Stealing
+ Nocturne
Increased Attack Speed to 0.75 from 0.7
Increased Spell Damage to 200/250/400 from 200/250/350
+ Xayah
Reduced Mana to 0/60 from 0/70
- 2 Gold
+ Darius
Increased Armor to 40 from 35
Raised Magic Resist to 30 from 20
400/550/800 => 400/550/800 Spell Damage
+ Kog'Maw
Increased HP to 550 from 500
Reduced Mana to 0/30 from 0/40
2/4/7% => 2/4/8% Max HP% Damage
+ Nautilus
Reduced Mana to 50/120 from 60/120
Stun Duration adjusted to 3/3/5 seconds from 3/3.5/5
- 3 Gold
+ Bard
Significantly reduced cast time
TFT Champion Icon for Cassiopeia
Extended Poison Duration to 14 seconds from 12 (same damage over a longer duration = less DPS)
+ Jayce
800 => 850 HP
+ Master Yi
Spell Damage adjusted to 75/100/175 from 75/100/200
- 4 Gold
+ Fizz TFT Champion IconFizz
50/120 Mana Cost instead of 60/120
+ Gnar
HP on Transform increased to 750/1250/4000 from 750/1250/2500
100/175/550 AD on Transform instead of 100/175/400
Stun Duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
+ Jinx
Bonus Attack Speed adjusted to 50/70/100% from 60/75/100%
+ Riven
Spell Shield adjusted to 225/375/1000 from 250/400/100
+ Teemo
Spell Damage reduced to 125/175/500 from 125/175/600
Reduced Slow Duration to 3 seconds from 4
- 5 Gold
+ Ekko
Spell Damage adjusted to 100/150/2000 from 100/200/2000
+ Thresh
50/75 => 50/90 Mana
4. Changes to item stats
- Bloodthirster: 40 => 45% Lifesteal
- Hextech Gunblade: 40 => 45% Spell Steal
- Jeweled Gauntlet: 20% => 30% Bonus Crit Damage
- Statikk Shiv: 80 => 90 Damage
- Zz'Rot Portal: 1000/2000/3000 => 1500/2250/3000 Voidling Health
5. System changes
- Increased minimum item drops to 1 in the game.
- If you reach Master rank or above, you can only solo climb in Ranked mode.
6. Bug fixes
- Removed some tooltips related to percentages.
- Fixed an issue where Malphite's Energy Shield did not benefit from Spell power provided by Chalice of Power.
- Resolved an issue where Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage could rarely become Trap Claw.
- Removed unintended orange light appearing on melee weapons equipped with Infinity Edge.
- Fixed an issue where Zephyr's skill could be blocked by AoE abilities like Teemo's trap.
- Fixed an issue where Space Pirate rarely dropped extra gold when equipped with Giant Slayer.
That's all the information about TFT update 10.13 currently, but be sure that more changes may appear for testing before the update is released on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. Also, check out more information about League of Legends Patch 10.13 here.