Displaying network speed, CPU, RAM on iPhone, iPad


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the steps to display network speed on iPhone using Vidgets?

To display network speed on your iPhone using the Vidgets app, first, download the app from the provided link. Then, open Vidgets, tap the + sign to add Widgets, customize the display colors, and activate the settings. Finally, access the Widget section by swiping left twice to edit and add Vidgets to the notification list.

Can I customize the Widgets displayed on my iPhone's status bar?

Yes, you can customize the Widgets on your iPhone's status bar using the Vidgets app. After adding the desired Widgets, you can adjust the display colors and rearrange their position to suit your preferences.

What features does the Vidgets app offer for iPhone users?

The Vidgets app allows iPhone users to display various metrics like network speed, CPU usage, and RAM on their devices. It enhances the user experience by providing real-time information directly on the status bar.

Is Vidgets compatible with both iPhones and iPads?

Yes, Vidgets is compatible with both iPhones and iPads, allowing users to display network speed, CPU, and RAM metrics seamlessly on their devices, enhancing functionality and monitoring.