The human body is intricately composed of various muscle groups, each playing unique roles and functions. To achieve effective workouts, understanding how to choose exercises for each muscle group is essential. Let Mytour Blog guide you through the gym muscle groups on the body and the optimal training methods for them. Follow the article below!
1. Neck Muscle Group – One of the Gym Workout Muscle Groups
Situated in our neck region, neck muscles are a relatively small and often overlooked gym workout muscle group. Comprising various small muscle groups like Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid, Omohyoid, Thyrohyoid, these muscles function to move and stabilize the skull, larynx, and shoulder joints. Neck muscles also play a crucial role in supporting respiration, swallowing, and speech.
Neck muscles are often small and easily overlooked (Source: Internet)2. Shoulder Muscle Group – Shoulders or Deltoid
Shoulder muscles are a crucial muscle group in the body, located on both sides of our shoulders. They help us move and rotate the shoulder joints, enhancing strength and aesthetics. When exercising, pay attention to the training intensity, posture, and rest time for the shoulder muscles to prevent injuries and achieve optimal results. The shoulder muscles consist of three small muscle groups: lateral or outer deltoids, anterior deltoids, and posterior deltoids.
Shoulder muscles are a very important muscle group in the body (Source: Internet)3. Forearm Muscle Group – Biceps
The forearm muscles, also known as the biceps or biceps brachii, are a crucial muscle group in the body. The biceps contribute to the beauty and strength of the arms and shoulders, especially in men. When exercising, choose appropriate exercises and adjust the training intensity for the forearm muscles to avoid injuries and promote optimal muscle development. The forearm muscles consist of three small muscle groups: brachialis, long head, and short head – two muscle groups located on both sides of the forearm.
The forearm muscles, also known as the biceps or biceps brachii (Source: Internet)4. Posterior Arm Muscle Group – Triceps
Cơ tam đầu, also known as Triceps in English, is a crucial muscle group in the body. Situated at the back of the arm, it helps extend and contract the elbow joints. The triceps also contribute to sculpting and beautifying the arms, especially in men. When exercising, pay attention to the workouts and intensity for the triceps to stimulate muscle development and prevent injuries. The triceps consist of three small muscle groups: long head – the largest part of the triceps group; medial head – located close to the body; and lateral head – situated farther from the body.
The triceps also contribute to sculpting and beautifying the arms, especially in men (Source: Internet)5. Forearm Muscle Group
The forearms are an essential muscle part of the human body, helping us perform many physical activities and daily routines. Comprising muscles connecting from the wrist to the hand, controlling the movements of the forearm. There are three main muscle groups in the forearms: Brachioradialis, located towards the palm, on the inner side of the forearm; Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, situated near the thumb, and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris on the outer side of the forearm.
Forearms play a crucial role in the human body (Source: Internet)6. Back Muscle Group
The back is the largest muscle group in the human body, consisting of numerous smaller muscles layered in a complex manner. There are four major muscle groups in the back: trapezius (Trap), latissimus dorsi (Lat), middle back, and lower back.
The back is the largest muscle group in the human body (Source: Internet)7. Chest Muscle Group
The chest is one of the important muscle groups in gym workouts on the human body, requiring attention during training. The chest consists of two symmetrical muscle groups on either side of the chest, each divided into upper and lower chest muscles. These muscles play a role in your daily activities and sports.
The chest is quite important for the body (Source: Internet)8. Abdominal Muscle Group – Abs
Cơ bụng is a crucial muscle group in physique, diligently trained by many enthusiasts. This group comprises various small muscles located in the abdominal region, shaping the body beautifully. The main muscle groups in the abdominal region are: Six-pack muscles, the most prominent group, featuring six or eight well-defined abdominal muscles, a goal for many men. These muscles are formed by two major muscles, Rectus Abdominis (upper part) and Tendinous Inscriptions (lower part). The intercostal muscles are two long muscle groups on each side, embracing the inner abdominal muscles. The intercostal muscles include Serratus Anterior and External Oblique.
Abdominal muscle training is often the top concern for men (Source: Internet)9. Thigh Muscle Group – Glutes, Quads, and Hamstring
The thigh is a large and powerful muscle group in the human body, requiring attention during workouts. The thigh includes not only the part of the thigh but also the glutes, front thigh, and back thigh muscles. These muscles all contribute to the movements of the leg and hip. There are four main muscle groups in the thigh: glutes, quads, hamstring, and adductor.
The thigh is a large and robust muscle group (Source: Internet)10. Leg Muscle Group – Calves or Calf
Leg muscles are one of the most crucial muscle groups in the body, aiding in movement and maintaining balance. The leg muscles consist of three main muscle groups: Gastrocnemius (commonly known as calf muscles), located at the back and inside of the leg; Peroneus (commonly known as outer leg muscles), situated on the outside and below the leg; and Tibialis anterior (commonly known as front leg muscles), located at the front and top of the leg.
Leg muscles help us move and maintain balance (Source: Internet)Explore popular gym muscle groups with Mytour. Tailor your workout routine to each muscle group for optimal results. Mytour wishes you to achieve your desired physique soon.