Download WeSing on PC, a Karaoke Application


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of downloading WeSing on PC instead of using a phone?

Downloading WeSing on PC offers several advantages over using a phone. It provides a clearer display for singing and reading lyrics on a larger screen, eliminates concerns about phone lag, battery drain, or overheating. This enhances the overall karaoke experience, making it comparable to professional karaoke systems.

How can I easily download WeSing on my PC using BlueStacks?

To download WeSing on your PC using BlueStacks, first install BlueStacks from its official site. Then, open BlueStacks, search for 'WeSing', and click 'Install' in the search results. Follow the prompts to complete the installation, and you'll be ready to enjoy karaoke on your computer.

Is it necessary to create an account to use WeSing on PC?

No, it is not necessary to create an account to use WeSing on PC. Users can choose to skip the account creation process by clicking the 'Visitor' button upon launching the app, allowing them to explore its features without registration.

What steps should I follow to search for songs in WeSing?

To search for songs in WeSing, click on the search bar, enter keywords like the song title or artist name, and select the desired result from the suggestions. After that, click the 'Sing' button next to the beat you want to perform, choose your singing mode, and grant microphone access.