Previously, we delved into fixing Instagram issues on Apple Watch that prevent users from checking new information. To rectify this Instagram issue on Apple Watch, logging into the app is necessary. However, sometimes, users encounter the situation of being unable to log into Instagram on their mobile phones.
Methods to Resolve Instagram Login Problem on Mobile
1. Check the Internet connection on the device.
2. Verify the Instagram app.
3. Encountering incorrect Instagram password.
Guide to Fix Instagram Login Issue on Mobile
Here are various ways to fix Instagram login errors on mobile phones:
1. Check the Internet connection on the device
A simple yet common cause that many users unintentionally encounter is disrupted Internet connection on their phones leading to Instagram login errors on Android, iPhone.
- For Wifi connection
+ You need to check if the Wifi network has been successfully connected, as well as whether this Wifi connection has Internet access.
+ Check if the Wifi password has been entered correctly.
Restart your WiFi device if there are any network access issues.
Check your mobile data connection (3G, 4G).
Ensure your mobile data subscription has sufficient balance for Internet access (data package, account balance).
For short-term data packages, when the promotional data is used up, these packages will automatically disconnect the device from the network.
Verify Instagram application for any errors.
Besides network connectivity issues, consider if the Instagram app is faulty causing users unable to access or login on mobile. You can uninstall and reinstall the latest version of Instagram for your device from here:
Looking to get Instagram on your Android device? Grab it here. Need it for your iPhone? Get it here.
3. Encountering Instagram Password Errors
Many encounter the frustration of Instagram password errors, hindering normal login. Fear not, Instagram now provides easy password recovery options.
Simply access the Instagram app, then select Get help with logging in as shown below.
Next, choose the type of account you used to sign up for Instagram to fix login issues on your phone when forgetting your password, and follow the app's prompts.
Alternatively, you can refer to's guide on how to recover your Instagram password for a quicker and more accurate solution.
Note: With this method, you can easily fix the issue of not being able to log in to Instagram when you can't remember your Instagram login username.
So, we've just covered the various reasons why users encounter Instagram login issues on their phones, as well as solutions to help you quickly access this beloved social network.
In addition to that, to secure your Instagram account on your phone, you can choose to enable two-factor authentication on Instagram. With each new device access, the Instagram 2-layer security will require your confirmation, allowing you to easily manage devices accessing your Instagram account.