Ad-blocker utilities like AdBlock, uBlock, etc., emerged to eliminate annoying web ads on computers. However, some websites have detected this and banned users employing such ad-blocking tools. Below, I'll guide you on swiftly accessing restricted websites for ad-blocker software.
How to access websites that block ad-blocking software
Step 1: Firstly, open the Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://flags
Step 2: Here, locate the Enable Reader Mode section, which simplifies browser usage, then click on the Default option to set this mode..
Step 3: Next, switch from Default to Enabled to activate Reader Mode, which allows the browser to access websites that block ad-blocking software like AdBlock, uBlock, etc.
Step 4: Finally, select Relaunch to complete the setup of this mode. Remember to close Chrome and reopen it, and you'll be able to use this feature.
So, I've shared how to access websites that block ad-blocking software. Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you find it helpful, please give it a like, share, and don't forget to leave a comment below.
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