Drawing geometric shapes using Excel Shapes is not unfamiliar to many. However, to create various shapes with Shapes, there are surely many of you who are still unfamiliar. So today, I will guide everyone on how to adjust Shapes in Excel in an extremely simple way.
How to adjust Shapes in Excel
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Open Excel.
Step 2: Select Insert > Choose Shapes > Choose the shape you want (Here I choose the rectangle).
Step 3: Right-click on the shape and choose Edit Points.
Step 4: Click and drag black dots and white dots to create the shape you desire (Black dots will appear before you click to drag, then white dots will appear).
So, I've guided you on how to change the shape of Shapes in Excel. Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you find it helpful, please share it with more people.
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Learn more:
- 2 quick and convenient ways to remove passwords in Excel files
- Guide on how to edit photos in Excel, which is extremely simple and you should know